It's Friday know what that means!

Mar 17, 2007 01:04

Kori and I made a trip to Kroger.  Peeps should cost more than a dollar for a pack of 9.

Because when Kori and I buy packs of edible marshmallow-y goodness, that are in such bright colors, ASKING to be art supplies (aka Matt's face), that's what we do.

You know the drill:
1. First of all, we found Decorate Your Own Peep kits.  Really, that's just asking to be made into a Draw Matt's Face art project.

(Day) 2.  Let's get started.



5. The reason for drawing Matt's face?  It's Rob Lowe's birthday! Matt wanted to tell him himself.

6.  After Matt's face was complete?  C'mon, they're peeps.  You would have peep wars too.

Kori took a peep to the arm.

She recovered quickly (it turned out to be only a flesh wound), and fought back.

There were many, many casualties, some of which reenacted the scene from Titanic.

Rose: I'll never let go, Jack.  I'll never let go!


7.  Clearly, the blue peeps pwned the purple peeps.  Then it was warfare against their own.  A civil war, if you will.

(That just so happened to take place in a microwave.  Oh, c'mon, you'd do it too.  They're PEEPS.)

8. The ref had to call it on account of the smell of burnt marshmallow-y goodness.  (For future reference, don't stick Matt's face in the microwave.)

(Sorry for the lack of titles for each number.  It's too late to be witty and we used all of our creativity drawing Matt's face.  Besides, it's spring break and thinking is voluntary.)

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