**Stolen from Amelia**
1. Nervous Habits: I stick my thumb in my mouth and push the cuticle down and then rip it off.
2. Are you double jointed: no
3. Can you roll your tongue: no
4. Can you raise one eyebrow at a time: yes
5. Can you blow spit bubbles: hell yeah I can and I love it.
6. Can you cross your eyes: yeah, and it is funny to do that to Emily's boyfriend, Chris, because he hates it. hahaha
7. Tattoos: none
8. Piercings: four in one ear and five in the other
9. Do you make your bed daily: Nooooo
10. Which shoe goes on first: The one that is closest to me
11. Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at anyone: Yes
12. On the average, how much money do you carry: there is no average. Usually I don't know if I have any with me or not.
13. What jewelry do you wear 24/7: all my earrings, my blink, the bracelet Tyler gave me, the one Emily made for me, and my orange/black "friendship bracelet" that I got from the arcade forever ago.
14. Favorite piece of clothing: um ... the shirt TJ gave me that time we traded CDs/clothes (which is now ruined because I got paint on it while helping Mr. Dan with a play ... ass shit), or my jeans that have the 2973487923 holes in them.
-- FOOD --
15. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it: neither really. I just scoop the spaghetti onto the fork and then slirp it obnoxiously. ... gross.
16. Have you ever eaten Spam: Yeah, it's awesome ... especially with ketchup.
18. How many cereals in your cabinet: two or three. There was another but I grabbed it before school and took it for lunch. haha
19. What's your favorite beverage: Dr. Pepper, milk, and/or water.
20. What's your favorite restaurant: Subway
21. Do you cook: Not really. I guess I could if I wanted to but I don't ever want to.
22. How often do you brush your teeth: once to four times a day.
23. Hair drying method: hair dryer, unless I wash my hair at night, then I let it dry while I sleep.
24. Have you ever colored / highlighted your hair: yeah, I'll never do that again.
25. Do you swear: yes, quite often
26. Do you ever spit: occasionally if there is something gross in my mouth
27. Animal: cats and otters
28. Food: Chinese even though I can't eat it, and tacos
29. Month: July and October
30. Day: Friday and Saturday
31. Cartoon: Family Guy, I suppose
32. Shoe Brand: I don't really have one
33. Subject in school: math
34. Color: pink
35. Sport: hockey
36. TV show: Friends (R.I.P.)
37. Thing to do in the spring: walk around
38. Thing to do in the summer: Not hang out with Morgan
39. Thing to do in the fall: walk around some more. I'll tell you my least favorite thing to do in the fall: swallow leaves. It hurts.
40. Thing to do in the winter: eat babies
41. In the CD player: nothing here, but at my house I think it is The Ataris, Dashboard, and maybe some Cowboy BeeBop thing ... maybe
42. Person you talk most on the phone with: Morgan or Matt
44. Do you regularly check yourself out in store window mirrors: unfortunately
45. What color is your bedroom? pink and purple
46. Do you use an alarm clock: yes, my CD player
47. Window seat or aisle: window. I feel more secure
-- LA LA LAND --
48. What's your sleeping position: I don't have a set position. A lot of the timeI am on my side withmy legs close to me and my arms wrapped around me, comfortably under three to five blankets with my head on the mattress.
49. Even in hot weather do you use a blanket: Yes, I can't sleep without a blanket.
50. Do you snore: sometimes
51. Do you sleepwalk: Not that I know of
52. Do you talk in your sleep: oh yes
53. Do you sleep with stuffed animals: yes
54. How about with the light on: I don't care if the light is on, but I prefer it to be off.
55. Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on: usually I have some CD playing
56. Last interesting person you met: I don't know.
the end. mmm ... donuts. My hair is dirty because I didn't feel like getting up and showering so I just went back to sleep. Matt gets his stuff taken out of his arm. Hopefully he doesn't die. Morgan, Geoff, and I bought him stuff and Morgan and I are taking the stuff to him after school. haha I cannot wait.
I like how this is a school and we are here to learn, but half the web sites are blocked. I was looking up stuff about Anton LaVey (the satanist) and every site about him is blocked. Sure, he's a satanist, "people shouldn't be around that stuff." blah blah blah. Not everyone is a freakin church going, 'I love Jesus' kind of person. They only blocked those sites because they are close minded and think that if people look at that they will "become evil and destroy us all!!" No, not the case. But I might become evil and destroy everyone since they blocked those sites (not really, of course. I'm not that crazy yet). "You are at school and are here to learn, but you can only learn about things that we want you to learn about. If we don't agree with it then you can't learn about it." I bet if I went to some sites about Christianity or Catholicism I would be able to go with no problem. Why not block those too?? Separation of church and state ... try that one on for size. Assholes.
You're "You're So Last Summer", you're
always hoping for the best, but in the end you
just get walked all over.
Which taking back sunday song are you? brought to you by