Sep 11, 2007 14:10
Ive been so bad with updating, sorry, but I'll try to update you on everything now!
So....I arrived home and the first day went out for lunch with my family, saw Kizz for a few hours and then sorted my room out until it was bed time (trying to keep myself up til around 9pm to get my body clock back into gear).
The next day, Friday, my sister drove me up to Eastland to talk to 3 about getting a phone and while I was walking through the food court I heard my name. I looked around and Tess was standing there....shaking....speechless....and shocked that it was actually me there. It was really cute and funny at the same time! We talked for a bit and she told me to come to the YGLAM performance the next night with her and then we could all go out clubbing with Kizz and Kristy.
That night I went with mum to buy my phone and then went into the city to the football with my youngest sister. It was Collingwood Vs Adelaide and I dont go for either team cos Im a proud Hawthorn supporter but I hadnt been to the footy in sooo long that I decided to go....and Im glad I did cos I had a good time! Our seats were reserved in the Collingwood cheer squad area so we had really good views. I also had to do the traditional thing of having a beer and meat pie (considering Im eating meet now and hadnt had one for about 10 years!). Collingwood lost so we decided to leave just before the game finished to beat the crowds on the train. One thing that weirded me out was though that I heard 3 TIMES.....yes, thats right....THREE.....people say "Fair Dinkum!". I didnt realise that anyone actually said that! Ive been telling people overseas that its all so stereotyped and that no one actually says that unless your in the country or bush or something....but I was wrong!!!
So the next day, Saturday, I started to sort my shit out and then Tess came to pick me up at 6pm and take me back to her house where I met her cool as girlfriend and another friend Amy. Then we went off to the YGLAM performance. Just before the show I saw Cass. I waved to her and for a few seconds she didnt recognise me at all! When she did, she was completely stunned. All she kept saying was "Man your look good.....god damn....." which was good for my confidence hahaha. I told her not to tell Scottie that I was here so that I could surprise him after the performance!
We watched the show and it was good. I was worried that Scott would see me in the audience, but he didnt!
As soon as the show finished, I went back to find Scott. Tess told him there was someone who wanted to see him and he had no idea who it was. As soon as he saw me he jumped on top of me nearly pushing me right into the Boys toilets! He was so excited and I was happy to see him. We chatted for a while outside until it was time for us to go and the YGLAM people to pack up.
After the show, Tess and i picked Kristy up from the station and we caught a taxi to Commercial Road. Ive never been a Commercial Road person....i always only went out around Collingwood, but Kizz had told me it had changed and demanded I go there. We all went to Strike Bowling for a drink first cos Tess's girlfriend works there and hung out chatting for a while. Then Kristy and I went to Xchange with Kizz for a while to see a show. It was ok...looked the same as it always was with the same people that there always were and I ran into a few people I hadnt seen for years like Damien, Grant and Petie!
During the drag show, one of the drag queens pulled Kristy up on stage and embarrassed the shit out her her....which was funny! hahaha. She was non-stop talking about it afterwards. Then we got bored at Xchange so we headed down past Heaven's Door which is a new club that had opened while I was away and Tess and her gf were outside there. We ended up going to Diva which has had a little make over since I last went there and there were a lot more girls (and hot ones) there too which was pleasing to see. We ended up having a good time hanging out there and stayed til the end. Then we caught a taxi back to Tess's house.
On Sunday morning it was Fathers Day so Kristy and I woke up a little worse for wear and caught the train back home. It was a big day for me with my Aunties, Uncle, my 8 yr old cousin and Grandma over for lunch to see them for the first time since Id been back. Then in the evening it was all my cousins on the other side of the family, Auntie, Uncle and one of my cousin's new husband who I hadnt met yet. It was a brilliant night with them and I was non-stop talking about my trip and they were really interested in it all too. My Uncle is Italian so he was mostly interested in the stories about Italy but I had them all pissing themselves laughing non-stop for the entire night with endless stories about my adventures. I'd missed hanging out with my cousins!
During the week I started to sort myself out. All the things in my room had been in boxes when i got back because my parents put new carpet down in my room while I was away but it was good because it gave me a chance to sort through everything and throw a lot of things away. I sorted out all the other random things I needed to do like the bank, dentist, career's adviser, centrelink etc. Now ive got most of the basic things done I just have to sort out the bigger if Im going to go to Uni next year and if so, what course.....and what job I want to get now.
On friday I met up with Scottie in the city at lunchtime to spend some time with him and so that he could give me a tour of my own city.....he's a good tour guide too! We met at Southern Cross Station...(which was all new to me)...and went to DFO for lunch and to look around the shops. We then walked around the Docklands and Waterfront City which all looks really cool! We played on the playground there too and Scottie killed my arm! :P Then we caught a tram....which was also exciting for me.....back to the city and went to Melbourne Central which they've changed as well, walked around for a while and then we went to Flinders Street Station so that Scottie could go home and I hung out in the city waiting for Benzie.
While I was waiting for Benzie I went to Fed Square and to the Muesum of Moving Art (or something like that). They had a free area where you could sit in booths and watch a whole heap of short films. I ended up killing a few hours there doing that and just as I was leaving I found a free games area too which I could have gone into but ran outta time. I then walked down to Burke Street where the street seemed to come alive. There were 3 men playing flamenco which was really cool to listen too and then when they finished a catwalk started outside Myers with a DJ and everything which was entertaining me as well. Then I finally met Benzie at the Station and we went to a really nice Japanese restaurant for dinner....and lots of famous people have been there too! :D
After dinner, Benz and I caught a taxi to the new (to me) Opium Den which used to be the Star Hotel where they have the drag kings on Friday nights. They've taken away the pool table which wasnt cool but the place is looking really nice and they've renovated it too. We met Tess, Kerren and Amy there, watched the whole of the first drag king show and a little bit of the second one and then Tess drove Benz and I to Richmond Station to meet Kristy.
We met Kristy and caught a taxi to Commercial Road to go to Diva because they were having a new once a month girls night....and it was actually really good! The place is tiny but there were lots of girls and hot ones too. Kristy kept getting chatted up left right and center! I got so unbelievably drunk though that I dont remember the whole night :s But I did manage to pull a chick near the end of the night. Nothing else is gonna happen there I dont think (considering I hardly even remember what she looks like) but it was fun.
When Diva closed we went to Market for bout 45 mins but I was so drunk at this time and kept walking off with this chick that I really had no idea what was going on. Kristy and Benz keep laughing about what I was doing that night! Ah well.
We went home to Benzie's house in South Yarra, talked there for a while (apparently....according to Kristy) and then went to sleep.
The next morning we woke up not feeling so crash. Kristy and I caught the train to Heatherdale Station and drove to her house so that I could say hi to JA (her mum's ex partner that she lives with) and to meet JA's new girlfriend Bron. We hung out there talking for a while and then she took me back to mine so that I had 1 hour to get ready before another friend picked me up.
That evening I went to Nat's house, a friend from school, who was having a Welcome Back party for me. It was so sweet of her to do that for me. It was only a small party cos lots of people didnt turn up for various reasons, but it was really awesome to see the people who did come...and meet all of my school friends boyfriends. I ended up teaching everyone how to play The Circle Of Death drinking game that we used to always play in London and everyone loved it....and got extremely drunk! Kristy came with her friend Courtney and Courts boyfriend and Kizz and Anna came too. I didnt get too drunk considering the night before and because I knew I had to be up early the next morning to go to my Aunties house.
Sunday I went to my auntie's house for a little while and then got more things in my room sorted before going to Kristy's house for JA's birthday dinner. Usually they only ever invite partners to birthday dinners but this time JA and Bron had invited me so that we could all have a catch up and see Amy (Kristy's sister) too which was really sweet of them! Bron made really nice food and it was a good chilled out night. Then after Kristy and I had a big D&M in her room it was bed time.....and maaaaan was I tired!