May 08, 2004 04:47
fetish list coming soon....
okay, here is one, girls in plaid skirts.
drunk again, no surprise i am sure.
went out with krista and her friend from chi-town.
hit some hot night-spots in p-town. ended up at the tragic gardens. was the best bar of the lot. i lost a game of pool on an amazing shot, if only i had put a little more juice on the damn cue-ball!!!
i should have called that crazy woman tonight and gotten laid instead of hanging out with my friend. bros before ho's is BS. from now on it is ho's before bros (or whichever gender applies).
dimmu borgir. obsession is a bitch (and by amazing coincidence, so are all me ex-es!).
i would kill for a translation of "allehelgens dod i helveds rike". this is now my favorite dimmu borgir song. babblefish was no fucking help.
the promised future aeons. another great fucking song.
free people masturbating for your voyeuristic pleasure:
christ in a bucket, who let me out of the house tonight?
today is saul's birthday. happy 30th my friend.
5 am is rolling around again. sleep, thy name is satan