Dec 12, 2004 18:13
yesterday was so fun.. i woke up LATE, went to the mall to eat lunch and show my mom what i wanted for christmas, and then came home to have a wonderful nap. GOD I LOVE NAPS.
Michael came over and we kicked it, we made tacos..actually HE made tacos::: the idea was that i make him dinner but what can i say, i cant handle my kitchen utensils. and cooking meat isnt the most enjoyable thing.
thennnn we went to oceans 12 downtown, i wish he had gone to an earlier show so we could have walked around and shit, cus all the trees were lit up with lights and it just looked so fucking festive! The movie was CONFUSING AS SHIT. what the not gonna lie..oceans 11 was a tad confusing too, but somehow i thought i would get it this time around. haha. i didnt. :(
I love seeing michael on the weekends. I never used to at all, and it was so fucking nice. Im really going to miss him over christmas break.
Today i worked till 3, and got another secret santa present! OMG I LOVE IT... i got one of those squishy airplane pillows...cus im going to arizona for christmas...and really cute pajama pants from old navy. my secret santa is fucking genius.
afterwards mollyyyy came over and we watched the banger sisters.HAHA YES!!!!! i fucking love that movie, goldie hawn and susan sarandon are both soooo cute, i wanna be like them when im older. the last thing i wanna do is die bored or alone..