(no subject)

Mar 28, 2007 14:58

I saw this and I just couldn't resist sharing. I've become a big fan of Phoenix Wright, although not as hardcore as some people, and I've been slowly working my way through my roommate's copy of the first game. Now, first I have to say that I love it. Second, when I was recently perusing DSfanboy.com, I came across this Japanese commercial for the upcoming Phoenix Wright game in Japan, Gyakutan Saiban 4. Apparently it features a well-known (in Japan) real-life lawyer named Kazuya Maruyama endorsing it.

While I was reading DSfanboy, I also read how apparently Gyakutan Saiban will be the first Phoenix Wright game realeased in Japan to not feature both a Japanese and English translation. This made me do a double take. Gyakutan Saiban has had both translations in all Japanese versions? Say what? Can anyone confirm this for me?

Now, while I'm on the subject of Japanese products, I recently was buying DAT tapes at Fry's for the project I wrote at length about in my previous post, and I couldn't help but peruse other sections of the store as I don't make it out to Fry's that often. Call me curious. One thing I noticed is that, like most stores that carry video game products, Fry's has no Wiis. Duh. Unlike most video game stores short on Wiis, Fry's carries Japanese Wii remotes. Seriously. Cell phone pics below.

Now I was really curious. I moved on to DS games. I was wondering initially if they had the earlier Kirby game for DS, Canvas Curse. No, of course not, it's too old. But then I saw a Japanese import pool game. And then some Japanaese Naruto game. "Woah, Fry's carries import games?" I thought.

And then I saw it. Gyakutan Saiban 2, aka Phoenix Wright: And Justice for All. It was right next to the American version, for a few bucks cheaper -- Fry's is trying to get rid of them I think, as they probably stocked up for it, prior to the game's American release when there must have been interest in importing it.

I thought nothing significant of it at the time, as they also had copies of Final Fantasy Chronicles for PS1 and I was clamboring to play Chrono Trigger (ok dammit, I bought it; but it was cheap, I swear). And now after I just read that apparently Japanese Gyakutan Saiban games have until now, been comprehensible in English, which makes sense as importers love to import them; I'm wondering that, if this is the case, what's to stop me from importing Gyakutan Saiban 3 other than a possibly increased price instead of waiting for Phoenix Wright: Whatever-They-Decide-To-Call-It-When-They-Realease-It-3? Or buying this slightly cheaper copy of Gykutan Saiban 2 and also having a potentially more interesting Japanese version I could attempt to play?
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