(no subject)

May 02, 2005 19:40

*Name: Roomal Teddy Jahim Talib Seferaj....lmaooo
*Single or Taken: Single
*Sex: male
*Birthday: December 22, 1987
*Siblings: None
*Hair Color: DARK DARK Brown almost black
*Eye Color: Brown
*Shoe Size: 12-13 It all depends on the shoes
*Height: 6'1

*Who is your best friend?: Jeffery Hassig, Dan Sykes and Odeta.
*Do you have a girlfriend?: No who needs one ;)

*Where is your favorite place to shop: Abercrombie or Ralph Lauren
*Any tattoos or piercings: No

*Do you do drugs?: At times
*What kind of shampoo do you use?: Umm I use Head and Shoulders so I never have to worry about flaky hair followed by J.Frida.
*What are you most scared of?: God
*Who is the last person that called you? Dan
*Where do you want to get married?: Umm beach would be wild and sexy.
*How many buddies are online right now?: 12

*Color: Green and Pink and Blue
*Boys names: ROGERS!
*Girls names: LAKISHAA!!!
*Subject in school: Painting
*Sport: Pocketpool? NAh jk...umm soccer/football

~HaVe YoU eVeR~
*Given anyone a bath?: Ummm no?
*Smoked?: Yes
*Bungee jumped?: No
*Made yourself throw up?: yes
*Skinny dipped?: No
*Ever been in love?: I dont think so
*Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: Me = NOT GAY
*Pictured your crush naked?: Of course
*Actually seen your crush naked?: Yes.
*Cried when someone died?: Umm not recently.
*Lied: Never lie.
*Fallen for your best friend?: <<<<< = MAD GAY!
*Been Rejected?: Sure have.
*Rejected Someone?: Nah.
*Used someone?: Nope
*Done Something You Regret?: Of course

*Clothes: Jordan shorts and a tanktop
*Music: The Delfonics....YEH IM KEEPING IT ol school
*Make-up: no thanx
*Annoyance: No
*Smell: Dole and Gabana
*Favorite group/band: Dipseettt DIPSETTT DIPSSEETTT!
*Desktop picture: Pic of me and your mom >:O)
*Book youre reading: Life of Van Gogh.
*In cd player: none
*Color of toenails: none

~LaSt PeRsOn~
*You Touched: Myself.....nah jk umm my moms friends hand. lol
*Hugged: ummm Michelle
*You IMed: Odeta
*You yelled at: Emilian lmaooo
*You kissed: Mommyyyy

~ArE yOu~
*Understanding: Yes
*Open-minded: Yeah
*Interesting: w/e I find amusing.
*Random: Random is a synonym for ROOMAL!
*Hungry: No just drank a protien shake
*Smart: Yes
*Moody: Definitely
*Organized: Yep yep
*Healthy: Somewhat
*Shy: YES
*Attractive: -pops collaaaaaa-
*Bored Easily: Umm not really.
*Messy: Sometimes
*Obsessed: Hip-hop

*In the morning I am: HAPPY!
*All I need is: MOney
*Love is: lies lies lis and ohh yes....bullshit.
*I dream about: Dreamless nights.

*What do you notice first: I unno face I guess?
*Worst question to be asked: How big is ur penis?
*Makes you laugh the most: Myself when drunk.
*Makes you smile: Anything makes me smile
*Who do you have a crush on: Wouldnt you like to know.
*Who has a crush on you: No one hopefully

~Do YoU~
*Sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to im you?: No
*Wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: So I can shove tampons in me all day? NOOOO THANNNXX!
*Wish you were younger: Hell yes those were the days.

*Of times I have had my heart broken: About 3 times
*Of hearts I have broken: none
*Of continents i have lived in: Europe and North America
*Of tight friends: Ninedyleven....uhh ninedyleven friends.
*Of cds I own: 1200+?
*Of scars on my body: 7 just on my head.
*Do you like fillings these out?: Yeh at times.
*Gold or silver: Platnum nigga...shiiitttt.
*What was the last film you saw at the movies?: Sin CITTY!
*Favorite cartoon?: SOUTH PARK!
*What did you have for breakfast this morning?: Nada
*Who would you love being locked in a room with?: Ashley Moir....cuz shes just a funny kid.
*Could you live without your computer?: No last time I went through withdrawals lol.
*Would you color your hair?: Possibly
*Could you ever get off the computer?: Yes...
*How many people are on your buddy list?: 200 but not 28
*Do You Drink alcohol?: Im drunk right now....shiiittt.. :)
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