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Apr 19, 2005 15:57

well i only have a few more days at sprouts and to tell you the truth i'm reeally not going to miss it. i had an interview today at cosco in there meat department and i think it went really good, i just hope i get the job before monday at least. every one at the store said that there going to miss me so that kind of made me feel good. It's amazing how things change in your life so quikly. you think life is so long but in reality it is real short.Maybe thats why i'm afaid of being alone but then i ask myself why do i want someone in my life? To love? do i even know what love is? i thought i did but i'm not to sure any more. Maybe it was all lust to begin with. For many years i was looking for my soul mate and to tell you the truth i dont think they exist. Soul mates are suppost to be alike,to know what each one is thinking and what there about to say most of the time. I have seen so many couples very happy in the beginning of there relationships and a few months or years go by and they just cant stand eachother anymore. If thats what soul mates are then i dont want no part of it. Relationships have pretty much killed me on the inside but every time when i do get a chance agian i go for it for some reason. some times i wish i was shut out from the world of people. It's all good though. I'm still living and thats what counts.
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