Nov 14, 2007 20:54
Before you ask; yes, I did just come up with the term "procrastatask", and yes you may use it when referring to any task/device/or distraction that you use whenever you should really be doing something else (For further procrastatasks see Facebook, Wikepidia, and pretty much everything else on the Internet).
So in case you're wondering why I'm preforming this procrastatask, I'll tell you (if you weren't then skip this paragraph (Actually, if that's the case, you should probably stop using LJ entirley, but I don't judge (much))). Anyway, I'm kinda geeking-out lately (in the bad way) because I have a Philosophy take home test due tomorrow and the classes big paper due next Tuesday. Good news is: I'm almost done with the take home test. The bad news: I'm not even finished with the book I'm writing my paper on. Long story short, I see many things in my future, but sleep is not one of them.
Speaking of things in my future, here's some specifics:
Memphis is coming up, thus my (possibly) last ball game is coming up! I really can't say what my future holds, so I can't say what I'm going to be doing next fall, ergo I don't mean to insinuate any particular meaning. I'm just saying it's possible that this upcoming game is my last as a marching blazer. It could also be on in a long-continuing line. Who knows? Really I'm looking forward to the bus ride, because going there I hope to get a good chunk of my book done, and coming back, I hope to lose myself in my new Nintindo DS game (Legends of Zelda: The Phantom Hourglass, which is pretty freaking sweet btw, expect impressions of it later)
I'm hoping to start back at BAN soon. I know I've been saying that for a while, but I'm willing to say pretty soon after Thanksgiving. I plan to contact my manager soon and see what can be worked out.
On an unrelated note (or is it?!?) so many have asked me how Sara Ashely is doing, I'm just going to make it a regular section in my updates, observe:
Sara Ashely Watch 2007 *dramatic music plays*
My lovely other has been attending grad school @ Oxford college for economics. As a psychology major, I feel fairly confident in saying that that's f'ing nuts. Okay, seriously, she isn't having the BEST possible experience, if your terms for the best possible experience are defined by sleep. I won't be so presumptuous to posting to many personal details about MY impressions of HER life here, but I will say that dating someone 5 thousand and some odd miles away is not fun. I do not recommend it unless you're dating the best thing ever. Which is why I'm so lucky.
Well, I think that's enouph of this procrastatask for now.
P.S. The O'Henry's word of the day is "Platypus." Just thought I'd throw that out there.