(no subject)

Sep 29, 2007 04:12

Well, this was a pretty kick-awesome day.

I woke up at about 4 in the afternoon. Which was nice because today was the first time in a while that I've actually been able to sleep in, and god knows I desperately needed it.

A lot of my time lately has been spent at the Art Center. Even my free time. I spent about 8 hours there on Tuesday working on my first project for my drawing class. We're still doing stuff with perspective, and had to draw a room to scale and in correct perspective. It was a pain in the ass, mostly because of the insane amount of redundancy that went into the piece. Most of the time when I draw, I draw freehand, which means that I don't bother with the drawing basic shapes and then slowly adding detail. No, I have an idea, pick a point to start, and go from there. In this case, we had to first draw a grid of a back wall, a floor, ceiling, and walls. Pretty boring stuff. Then, we had to take tracing paper, and tape that on top of the grid and construct our room, which was slightly less boring, but still boring. And then, for the big finale, we had to take that tracing paper, put it on a light table (basically a glass table with a halogen light underneath it) put a regular piece of paper ON TOP of the tracing paper, and trace THE EXACT SAME FUCKING ROOM WE JUST DREW!!!! Oy... I spent so much time on this I can't even believe it. Especially since we weren't even allowed to shade it or add any real detail. Just the basics of what was in the room. In any case, I'm pretty sure I got a decent grade on it, so it'll be a lot less frustrating once I know that my efforts and redundancy weren't completely in vain...

Other than that however, things at my school are going pretty well I think. I'm making a couple new friends seemingly every day there, as well as introducing these new friends to the other new friends, so we can hang out as a group. Which will be really nice having a group of friends that can all get along with one another at pretty much any point about anything. Kind of refreshing, especially since, for most of my life (up until about Junior year till now) I've had nothing but friends who all hated each other, with me stuck in the middle playing mediator. Not much fun for me I can tell ya that.

Knowing that all these people can get together, and get along well, is great to know and helps serve another purpose. After talking to a few people in my classes about playing music and a shared desire to play music, I've decided that I'm going to start a Music Club at my school, and basically use this to form a band of all those who want to jam with me. I have been absent from music for far too long. I don't play as often as I'd like to, and am so far from being where I want to be as a musician, that it's almost painful to think about. Having friends like Max, J.J., and Mike doesn't help much, considering that they are so far ahead of me talent-wise, when not too long ago we were more like equals (not equal, but at least close to the same level). So, I desperately want to get back to playing music, and playing with people who WANT to play music. I've already talked to everyone I know there, and they all seem interested and excited in the idea, so I'm going to talk to whoever I have to talk to on Monday. Hopefully then, we can get to jamming.

... And all of that was pretty much pointless, but I do feel better now that that's off my chest. Anyway, back to Today...

So, after I woke up, I invited my friends Chris and Matt over to play some Halo 3 on my Hi-def TV, and man, the game looks fantastic. Play-wise, its pretty solid. Pretty much just an slightly upgraded version of Halo 2 with fancy graphics, but still a solid game. One new weapon I thoroughly enjoyed was the new Gravity Hammer (basically sends out a shock wave of intense gravity whenever you hit it on something). A nice new feature to the game, was the "Theater" option. The game actually records every single move you make on any given level, at any given time, and allows you to play back your performance on said level and view it from any angle. It was pretty cool, because we watched ourselves play the first level over again, and made fun of our own dipshitted-ness. At one point, for instance, Chris started shooting at a ship that had already been shot down, and Matt just kept saying, "Look at this epic phail!!" Then he'd pause the playback, and close in on Chris' character and whatever he was doing, and just say "See! This is what Phailure looks like."

Afterwards, I got to play some Crackdown, which was great because I always feel better after playing that game. I guess the fact that your some kind of super-powered cop, and that "whatever you say goes because its not like anyone can stop you" parts of the game just help channel stored up aggression. One of my favourite things to do in the game is to kill civilians for breaking laws that I make up on the spot. "Your shoes are untied. I'm sorry, but I can't let you off with a warning. You have to be put down..." *shot gun to the face*. Another fun thing is to try and knock enemies unconscious by throwing grenades at them. It's just priceless to see someone get beaned in the head AND THEN explode.

Well, while I was playing this game, and Chris and I are laughing about the beautiful massacre of police, mobsters, and civilians alike, Matt (who had taken control of my laptop at the time) acted as our personal stenographer and typed almost everything we were saying and doing... without our knowlege. It wasn't until he read it back to us that we were all on the floor laughing our asses off at just how ridiculous we really were. Here are some things he wrote:

- Johnny says "how do you change the camera? I need to change the up and down thingy."
Johnny's eyes glaze over as he kills a fuck-butt-load of mexicans."

- Johnny goes inside Optimus Prime and his eyes water with happiness.
he begins to say things like "...this thing rocks!!" and "NO!!!" and also "try that again"

- "He backs up the semi over a few mexicans then hops out of the driver seat with his heavy machine gun and targets a beaner in the nuts. He laughs hysterically for a few seconds, and then blows away his manhood with a military grade chain gun."

- Johnny says "where'd he go?"
Christopher replies "behind you"
Johnnys says "what happened to him?"
Chris answers "you blew his eye out"
"Aw fuck" Johnny answered disappointedly.

- Johnny says "what's that red thing?"
Chris replies "that's a Russian"

- Johnny stares at a civilian mini-van with anger in his eyes. He jumps off a 4 story building and shoots its tires out. He follows it around pumping more and more rounds into the side of a soccer-mom-mobile.

- I Fart, but conceal it. (I = Matt... he actually just typed that shit)

- The next few words are one syllable musings uttered from the zombie-faced-Keynan-controlling-Johnny.

"Love juice"

lol There is soooo much more to this whole thing, but that should be enough to cover it.

After they left, I was about ready to call it a night, when Max calls and invites me to Main Street with him, Jamie, and some of their friends. I had a pretty good time despite the rampant immaturity in the group.

Max and I ended up at Safehouse, where we hung out with Malcolm and Gay Will, who has yet to decide if he hates me or not, but admitted that he hates my hair. Max fucked around with my lighter and made the flame shoot ridiculously high in the air, so that every time we tried to light a cigarette we came dangerously close to burning our eyebrows off. I was just thankful that I had no hairspray or anything flammable in my hair at the time, because if I had, I'd be doing the worlds best impression of Ghost Rider right now, which would be no fun for me. We helped close down a bit and then headed to Max's house to crash for the night and jam.

So all in all, good day.

Aloha for now.
much luv,

- The 5

p.s. - While at Mainstreet, it suddenly hit me that I'm turning 20 in about a week, and have no plans for my birthday. I'm slightly worried...
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