Punxsutawney Sucks - Chapter 1

Jun 14, 2006 20:36

Okay, this has already been up at ff.net, so you may have already seen it. Try to contain your enthusiasm. I'll post the whole freaking thing here, just cause I'd like it to live here for awhile.

And, on the off chance you haven't seen it, here's the gist:

Summary: Six weeks after Punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow, people are mysteriously ( Read more... )


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Comments 3

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big_pink June 15 2006, 01:57:22 UTC
Bwahahaha. It's funny -- I started Old Rebel Yeller with Sam getting the chance to give Dean the gears, I think it was a response to this begining. Sorry that I couldn't figure out how to just deposit the whole thing directly into my memories without my flist getting a huge amount of posts. Still, better than one huge paragraph, I suppose. I'm going to get the reputation as the one who puts animals into all her stories. Shit.


kres March 27 2007, 01:34:37 UTC

*settles in*

Btw, I always eat the parsley, if there's nothing else :)=


erinrua October 21 2007, 16:22:16 UTC
*grins, grabs the chips, and settles in for the show*

Awesome. This is gonna be a great ride, I can tell! Next, please! :-)
Cheers ~

*rummages for snowy icon, finds none*


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