Jan 28, 2009 21:34
I had a Supernatural dream! And it SUCKED.
I dreamed I was waiting to watch the season 5 premiere (that's good news, right?), and I was really, really excited, and it was one of those dreams where you're watching it, and then you're in it, and then you're watching it again, right?
The show completely jumped the shark: the boys were running a baby daycare, but it deked you out in the first few minutes, had you thinking that the babies (and the yummy mummies) were theirs, and then the camera panned out and you realized it was...a daycare! The small town in which they lived was all a-buzz with a rumour of a 'Winchester cousin' had just breezed into town, who turned out to be identical twin girls who were (in my opinion) just plain weird-looking. And then I brought the cousins a pastrami sandwich (it was open faced and totally lame, only about two puny slices on stale rye) while saying loudly, "Allow me to advance the plot," and they all went on an adventure (I dropped out then) and there were unicorns involved, and a golf cart, but everyone acted like they couldn't see the unicorns, including the leads. The unicorns didn't add to the plot, like, AT ALL.
Colour me perplexed.