My head about exploded from joy when you warned for tentacles and Y Tu Mama Tambien, you tease :) This was excellent excellent crack. The budgie attack, theater talking, Dean waiting until the morning to stop being Marty, the river monster. . .I now have more movies in my Netflix queue.
I am nothing if not a TEASE, LOL. I can't write true porn to save my life (it all ends up being vaguely ridiculous, like going to ladies night at a bad bar), but innuendo? Bring it on. I hope that I got the feeling of the various movies as the boys were moving through them -- the rollicking weird adventure of Spirited Away, the trippy weirdness of Paprika, and the dreamy heat of Y Tu Mama.
Like burlesque, the tease is often the best part:) And yeah, you definitely nailed the atmosphere. I've only seen Y Tu Mama bu I got a feel for the others which is why the Netflix. And all you can do is shake your head at Dean and occasionally suck your teeth!
Dean *shakes head* What are we to do with him?
Paprika isn't as racy as all that, but it's trippy and beautiful and I've had a soft spot for J-Pop since living in Japan lo these many years ago.
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