Rec: a Big Bang

Jul 01, 2008 08:29

Just nipping in quickly this Canada Day (yippee! Free poutine for everyone!) to recommend smilla02's lovely and haunting and hurting (and long, written for spn_j2_bigbang) piece, Ten in One. First off the bat, I have to confess that I got the chance to read and comment on it a couple of times while in process, but I honestly didn't add much, so I don't feel a twinge ( Read more... )

recs, spn

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kimonkey7 July 1 2008, 18:08:14 UTC
I've got it printed and set aside for this weekend when everyone is attempting to blow up the United States and their hands, simultaneously.

Happy Canada Day, btw, eh?


big_pink July 2 2008, 03:32:22 UTC
There were fireworks and meltdowns. Your average Canada Day. It was all fuelled by mojitos and sangria. I have the nasty feeling that those two don't really mix all that well.

Go enjoy the fourth...and the fic. It's TASTY!


kimonkey7 July 2 2008, 03:38:44 UTC
Hey, can you do I don't know if you can in Canada - the Aussies can't - but if you can, go watch Three Sheets. You'd love it.


big_pink July 2 2008, 03:44:49 UTC
Sadly, hulu is only available for streaming to people in the U.S. of A. So, Happy Canada Day to you, people at

Maybe you could film yourself doing an interpretive dance of Three Sheets and post it on YouTube for our enjoyment?


kimonkey7 July 2 2008, 03:49:31 UTC
Unfortunately, it's a show where this guy, Zane Lamprey, travels around the world getting drunk. Hence the title. So, uh, interpretive dance? No. Just imagine a stumbling, cursing monkey. That'll do 'er.


big_pink July 2 2008, 03:52:26 UTC
Well, technically, a stumbling, cursing monkey IS my idea of interpretive dance, so we're on the same page there.


kimonkey7 July 2 2008, 03:53:39 UTC
It's like they say, 'I don't know art, but I know what I like.'


big_pink July 2 2008, 03:57:02 UTC
Yeah! Except I think they were talking about porn.

Weren't they?


kimonkey7 July 2 2008, 03:59:31 UTC
Who isn't, and when aren't they? It's all about the porn, isn't it? Porn, porn, porn. Thank heavens this weekend is Independence Day, so we can all porn it up in the US of A. That's what the holiday is really all about: porn and sparklers. Two great things that go great together, know what I mean?


big_pink July 2 2008, 04:03:21 UTC
You mean to suggest that there are people who aren't out celebrating porn every single day of their miserable shallow lives?. People who need a government-sanctioned holiday to porn it up in style?



kimonkey7 July 2 2008, 04:06:40 UTC
Well, now...we can't all be touque wearin' pornsters 365, can we? Actually, maybe the rest of the world would like the United States better if we were...


big_pink July 2 2008, 04:14:24 UTC
I think Jon Stewart's already pointed this out.

It's amazing how either drinking and cursing your way around the world, or spreading the Good News that is porn everywhere you go (a kind of Annie Sprinkle meets Johnnie Appleseed) can up your international cred at places like, say, the UN.

I'm pleased to say that no one, anywhere, knows anyone from Canada. We fly under the radar. Waaaaay under.


kimonkey7 July 2 2008, 04:17:10 UTC
I THOUGHT I knew someone from Canada once, but then they ordered CHILI FRIES instead of poutine, and I knew them to be a LIAR.


big_pink July 2 2008, 04:28:03 UTC
You'll never believe it, but the CBC show this morning (erhm, yes, I listen to the CBC...) was all about naming the best Canadian food! And you can download it here: For FREE!

Because you have unlimited time to find out ALL ABOUT POUTINE and buttertarts and nanaimo bars and all that other stuff that you'll eventually invade us for if you find out about it.

oops. Have I said too much?


kimonkey7 July 2 2008, 04:34:37 UTC
Yes, yes...but what about a nice tomato sandwich? Now, supposedly, salmonella-free?



big_pink July 2 2008, 04:37:23 UTC
Yes, there have been signs all around the place, every restaurant, saying, "We serve Canadian tomatoes". I don't have a fucking clue what they're on about.

Why does it always come back to FOOD with us? We were happily talking about porn.


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