Rec: a Big Bang

Jul 01, 2008 08:29

Just nipping in quickly this Canada Day (yippee! Free poutine for everyone!) to recommend smilla02's lovely and haunting and hurting (and long, written for spn_j2_bigbang) piece, Ten in One. First off the bat, I have to confess that I got the chance to read and comment on it a couple of times while in process, but I honestly didn't add much, so I don't feel a twinge ( Read more... )

recs, spn

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Comments 35

riverbella July 1 2008, 13:50:16 UTC
I read this story this past weekend and I completely agree. The OCs were beautifully drawn--and a bit discomfiting--and their story blended so well with what was happening between the boys. The stress between Dean and Sam in the aftermath of Dean's sojourn in Hell was almost physically painful to read but highly realistic. I'm not going to get into any more specifics since I don't want to spoil anyone who reads comments(?!), but I have already told smilla02 I thought this story was destined to be one of the favorites to come out of this year's BigBang. *hearts BigBang bigtime*


big_pink July 2 2008, 03:30:11 UTC
I really loved the idea of the 'freak' show and who was the freak and who wasn't. It was a really nice metaphor to play with and I think Smilla did a great job.


montisello July 1 2008, 15:29:41 UTC
YES, YES and more YES.

Absolutely loved this story. It left me speechless.


big_pink July 2 2008, 03:31:11 UTC
I agree completely. So much to love -- atmosphere, dialogue, descriptions. What I love is that Smilla rarely overwrites, she expects you to fill in the blanks. I like that in a piece of writing.


kimonkey7 July 1 2008, 18:08:14 UTC
I've got it printed and set aside for this weekend when everyone is attempting to blow up the United States and their hands, simultaneously.

Happy Canada Day, btw, eh?


big_pink July 2 2008, 03:32:22 UTC
There were fireworks and meltdowns. Your average Canada Day. It was all fuelled by mojitos and sangria. I have the nasty feeling that those two don't really mix all that well.

Go enjoy the fourth...and the fic. It's TASTY!


kimonkey7 July 2 2008, 03:38:44 UTC
Hey, can you do I don't know if you can in Canada - the Aussies can't - but if you can, go watch Three Sheets. You'd love it.


big_pink July 2 2008, 03:44:49 UTC
Sadly, hulu is only available for streaming to people in the U.S. of A. So, Happy Canada Day to you, people at

Maybe you could film yourself doing an interpretive dance of Three Sheets and post it on YouTube for our enjoyment?


ficwriter1966 July 2 2008, 01:15:06 UTC
Thanks for the rec! I'm always in the market for a nice long read. But ya know...I'm also re-reading RED. My gold standard for SPN fic. You outdid yourself with that one, my friend. It's awesome in so many ways. And enough time has passed that it's almost like reading it for the first time. When I finished that, I think I'm going back to Cirque de Celine. Just for the giggles.


big_pink July 2 2008, 03:35:44 UTC
Yeah, Smilla's done a wonderful job here, creepy and hurty and all the things that you'd want in a fic, I think. It doesn't pull punches and it doesn't spoon feed you. You have to work at it a bit.

Dear lord, I'm glad if anything stands up to a second reading, LOL. Let alone that crazy Québecoise, Céline. I'm off to Montréal and Québec City tomorrow (happy 400th anniversary, Québec City!), then two weeks on the Gaspésie, so I'll be all ready for a re-read of Cirque myself. Or not, maybe, depending.


mtee July 2 2008, 13:30:07 UTC
That was a great story.
I agree, I envision the boys having to adjust to the major changes that occurred with Dean going to Hell. That's what I am looking forward to, this next season. That re-discovery and the long journey to get there.

Thank you for telling us about this fic and author.


big_pink July 3 2008, 17:54:41 UTC
The pleasure is mine. All mine. Don't touch it.


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