Is it just me?

Feb 25, 2008 18:04

Or were these two separated at birth?

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ponder, oscar party

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Comments 61

Ahh... kayto1 February 25 2008, 23:10:42 UTC
one for you, one for me.

I'll even let you pick first.


Re: Ahh... big_pink February 25 2008, 23:18:27 UTC
Decisions, decisions.


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Re: blinks big_pink February 25 2008, 23:18:47 UTC
We TOTALLY need fiction. Totally.


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Re: blinks big_pink February 25 2008, 23:31:25 UTC
Totally -- the boys run into their Mexican half-uncle while hunting in New Mexico. OMG, this stuff writes itself.


somedayleaving February 25 2008, 23:11:40 UTC
It's not just you.


big_pink February 25 2008, 23:20:04 UTC
I kept yelling at the screen: It's JOHN!!! Hello John!!! (much to the consternation of others at my party).

I honestly did a double take it was so striking. Never before, and I've seen Bardem in a number of things, but LAST NIGHT? homg.


somedayleaving February 25 2008, 23:21:55 UTC
I spent the whole night imagining them playing brothers in something.

Well, that an making snarky comments about everyone's clothing, but it's the Oscars, hello, and I live in LA; it's like a birthright or something.


big_pink February 25 2008, 23:32:07 UTC
Well, yes. Although I loved that line of Jon Stewarts that during the ads all of them were gawking at us. It was splendidly cracked.


ileliberte February 25 2008, 23:23:36 UTC
Not just you. I was watching his latest movie, and getting very confused in absent minded moments. And also, thinking of John Winchester doing that is very creepy, although, I guess if I think of all the deaths as actual monsters and demons, it's kind of admirably badass while still scary XD


big_pink February 25 2008, 23:33:40 UTC
The crazy thing is, I've seen him in TONS and never really even twigged before, and then LAST night, as soon as he smiled and with that scrub, it was: HELLO. Every woman at my party let out a collective GASP. It was awesome!

Part of me wants an icon with JDM photoshopped with Chighur's hair. Or however you spell that.


aliaseverus February 25 2008, 23:24:07 UTC
Holy crap! They could be brothers. Really, really hot and sexy brothers...

I'll be in my bunk.


big_pink February 25 2008, 23:33:57 UTC
No shit, Sherlock. Like magic, that.


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