Bobby Sherman made my panties burst!

Feb 12, 2008 19:20

Okay, time to fess up, flist.

Apropos of NOTHING (well, okay, it was an email from a curator at work today advising me that our meeting was off because David Cassidy was on Oprah), I want you to indulge your inner fannish self ( Read more... )


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Comments 254

fadagaski February 13 2008, 00:30:36 UTC
My absolute first? Luke Skywalker in A New Hope. I was 7.

My first One Tru Luv? Sean Bean in Sharpe. I was 9. He is still my One and Only. ♥

First rush of pure desire for a man? Gabriel Byrne in an interview for End of Days. My God, for the briefest second that man was sex on legs. I was 11.


big_pink February 13 2008, 00:33:25 UTC
Dude. That's RESPECTABLE, even. How cringe-worthy is it to say I fantasized having sex with Gabriel Byrne? Pffft. Insert David Soul in there and THEN you're cookin' with fire!


fadagaski February 13 2008, 00:38:57 UTC
HAHAHAHA. I'm quite proud of my crushes, though my penchant for older men obviously manifested very very very young.


aliaseverus February 13 2008, 00:31:46 UTC
Shaun Cassidy.

I have only the defense that I was an impressionable pre-adolescent child when "The Hardy Boys" was on.

Let us never speak of it again.

Mark Hamill was adored by me at pretty much at the same time. Again, it was the 70's and I was very young. ;)


big_pink February 13 2008, 00:35:16 UTC
Youth is no excuse. I'll do ya one better -- Bruce Boxleitner in How the West Was Won. Man. I thought he was something.

Shaun had really awesome hair, though.


cofax7 February 13 2008, 00:42:50 UTC
OMG gmta.

(I suspect you & I are about the same age...)


big_pink February 13 2008, 00:49:09 UTC
Seriously. I need a Bruce Boxleitner icon. NOW. Or maybe not. I used to watch it with my girlfriend on the other line of the phone, squeeeeeeeling. It was unseemly.

Beatles come to America, girl. '64.


(The comment has been removed)

Re: ahem... big_pink February 13 2008, 00:36:45 UTC
OMG, is it HOT in here? Phew! The bandana....*melts*

Ilya!!!! I remember thinking that he was cute!!!

Speed Racer counts. In oh so many ways.


Re: ahem... oliviaoh February 13 2008, 20:48:03 UTC
OMG I Still think about Peter Duel (he changed the spelling of his name, mid-career. And yes, Illya was my first, I think.


Re: ahem... big_pink February 13 2008, 22:42:21 UTC
I know with the name change! But he will always have two e's for me!

Still, after all these years....sigh.


patty1h February 13 2008, 00:34:06 UTC
Anyone remember the actor James Coburn? In the 60-70's, he made a series of movies where he played spy Derek Flint. I remember having a big crush on him - something about his premature gray hair.


big_pink February 13 2008, 00:37:58 UTC
That's BRILLIANT. Yes, I remember James Coburn! Though I always got him confused with the guy in A-Team *is shallow*


ficwriter1966 February 13 2008, 00:35:30 UTC
Oh, girlfriend. I am the *original* teen idol fangirl.

Davy Jones, first. Then Bobby Sherman and Michael Cole (Mod Squad). David Cassidy. The Osmonds. Parker Stevenson. I ran a *fan club* for Shaun Cassidy and his brothers. (I went to his brother Ryan's high school graduation, to cover it for the fen.)

So if I'm a goofy fangirl now? I perfected it a long time ago.


big_pink February 13 2008, 00:38:54 UTC


ficwriter1966 February 13 2008, 00:49:37 UTC
And I forgot about Paul Michael Glaser!!

Plus there's this:


big_pink February 13 2008, 01:13:05 UTC
Bwhahahahaha. That's brilliant. Damn, he had fine hair.

But why did Starsky insist on wearing that sweater coat?


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