From a wreck, a rec

Nov 19, 2007 21:17

I'm so glad that you can't see me right now, cause it ain't pretty. I've been trying to move (and not just my lazy ass, but my whole freakin' HOUSE, okay?), and coping with work that is too damn exciting for words but which involves giant puppets and crazy cake ladies. And I confess, yes, I've turned creative attention to original fiction at the ( Read more... )

recs, spn

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Comments 29

lemmypie November 20 2007, 02:48:01 UTC
I see what you are doing here.... Yeah ok it's working.


big_pink November 20 2007, 02:50:15 UTC
I'm all tricksy like that, eh?


lemmypie November 20 2007, 03:02:08 UTC
Yeah and your evil cause it's a WIP and now I'm going to have to WAIT for the next chapter....

Don't you have packing to do, instead of distracting me with fiction....Other people's fiction.
No matter how good it is....


big_pink November 20 2007, 03:44:11 UTC
I KNOW. I should be packing. It's quite disgraceful, really. I'm too busy staring at that pile of laundry. Thank you for the apple. You made my pal Janet wonder what was up. Dear me.


tabaqui November 20 2007, 04:21:41 UTC
Hey, you!
*beams at you*

But ....moving is *fun*!
Sorting of stuff. Cleaning of stuff. *Throwing away* of stuff. Wheeeeee!

I'm posting spn. Alternate reality thingy. Not as lame as those usually are. I invite you to look, when you can.
*is only slightly ashamed of self-pimp*


big_pink November 20 2007, 04:27:33 UTC
HOMG. You're writing! Yeah! I've been out of it, seriously, not doing much of anything, other than non-spn writing. Some for money, so that's always nice. Working too much, I'm afraid. It's all good, interesting work, but it detracts, eh?

Throwing out is fun, if only my family let me do it. Instead, they ham-string me with their plaints about 'but it's important!' Damn family.


tabaqui November 20 2007, 04:32:44 UTC
Yes yes! Writing! Just posted another part today.
Ah ha ha. Money? W hat is this 'money' you speak of? You can get it for.....*writing*?
*is boggled*

Dude, you do the sorting and tossing when they are *gone*. Then sit back and smugly, silently notice when they *don't even notice* their junk is outski.

I just did this to my daughter. It is the best.
*no, i didn't toss her most favorite stuffed cat or anything, just shoved a bunch of animals she doesn't care about into bags and into the closet. In a month, when she hasn't mentioned them? Off to Goodwill in time for xmas!*


big_pink November 20 2007, 23:26:16 UTC
Oh, I suspected that. We need a big 'cooling off' period. And then, if they don't notice that it's gone, well. Fair game, eh? Actually, NitGirl (it's so sad, how these names stick) had to put all her stuffies in a garbage bag last year to, er, get rid of the nits. And we left them for over a year. She then went through them and selected four from the batch she wanted to keep. It actually worked quite well.

Yes, I'm a word whore. Pay me, I'll put out. Nas-tay.


gretazreta November 20 2007, 04:58:21 UTC
Everything here is interesting but two words caught my attention like NOTHING.

"giant puppets"???
(I LOVE giant puppets).

I hate moving with a vengeance, I've been in my apartment for ten years now. I'm kind of hoping that the time we choose to move out will be when the landlord deems fit to tear the place down. At least that way I won't have to clean quite so much.


big_pink November 20 2007, 23:30:00 UTC
I need to find some pictures of them. They were dead cool. We had three of them, they were BEAUTIFUL.

Moving SUCKS. It's the first time I've had to do it in five years and the frickin' children have so much CRAP. It makes me ill, thinking about it. Oh well. Maybe we'll be out of boxes by Christmas. *weeps*


caffienekitty November 20 2007, 07:03:48 UTC
You're aliiiiiiiiiiiiiive!

Heh, sorry, being silly at you.

*symapthizes with you, in advance, maybe* Ack. Not the maybe sympathizes,'coz I totally sympathize, more the maybe in advance. Or- Arg. *facepalm* I'll stop trying to make sense before anyone gets injured. :-P

So, puppets and cake ladies?


big_pink November 20 2007, 23:32:42 UTC
I am! I am alive! But, kinda preoccupied. It's sad, really. Everything's good, but I knew from September through to the new year was going to be nuts.

I try to concentrate on the puppets and cake ladies. It's better than...uh...packing. And sorting. and packing.

I hates it.


caffienekitty November 21 2007, 00:05:52 UTC
I'd offer you boxes, but I may need them soon myself. I kind of hope.

Puppets and cake ladies would make things more interesting. *nods*


wilwarin1 November 20 2007, 14:50:20 UTC
I'm off to read the rec (thanks for that) in a minute, but first I want to wish you all the best of luck with the move. I've done it a few times and I hate it. It's stressfull, hard work. But once you get settled in at the new place it'll be all good, I promise.


big_pink November 20 2007, 23:34:18 UTC
THANK YOU! I haven't moved in a little while and this is a big full house move, with kids and crap. With kids and all their crap. Maybe I'll be settled by Christmas. But maybe not.


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