
Nov 01, 2007 22:47

BigPink’s running notes on ( Bedtime Stories )

flail, spn

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girlguidejones November 2 2007, 02:56:48 UTC
Would you think me terribly sappy if I confessed that I was hoping her daddy would kiss her and she'd wake up?


big_pink November 2 2007, 03:01:51 UTC
You know, I didn't even think of that, but it would have been PERFECT. Shit. Why can't people take a chance on a happy ending.

*is now bummed*


dotfic November 2 2007, 03:06:09 UTC
See, but it was so brilliant, storywise, that she didn't. The kiss isn't the kiss that wakes Snow White, it puts her to sleep. But the kiss did *save* her, it saved her soul. I mean, it was sad, but if she'd gone from flatline to heartbeat again it wouldn't have had the same resonance for me.


big_pink November 2 2007, 03:10:20 UTC
Come to think of it, didn't I already have Sam's take on Snow White and dwarfs and kisses breaking curses and whatnot in Verbal? OMG, Kripke -- GET OUT OF MY BRAIN.


dotfic November 2 2007, 03:14:19 UTC


girlguidejones November 2 2007, 03:14:51 UTC
Great icon for this discussion. *griN*

I agree with you, actually. It was good storytelling the way it was. It just didn't STOP me from being sappy and HOPING for it.


big_pink November 2 2007, 03:18:25 UTC
Love that feeling when you know what you WANT and you know what's GOOD and they're not the same damn thing. That's how I feel when I look at big chocolate cakes. Sitting on my kitchen counter. And I have a fork and the house is empty.

We all know how that usually ends.


girlguidejones November 2 2007, 03:22:17 UTC
Yes. Generally, the chocolate cake is the victim of grisly murder.


dotfic November 2 2007, 03:18:30 UTC
Ah, my trust default icon. *pats it*

I'd have been okay with her waking up if she just woke up with no flatlining. But I think it took the episode to a different place and a different twisty level that she didn't wake up and she flatlined and stayed there.

Also, the original fairy tales are bloody and grisly and don't all have happy endings so maybe they were trying to fit with the bittersweet style of the fairytales?


big_pink November 2 2007, 03:24:26 UTC
Nah, how it was played in the ep was the way to do it, definitely. But it didn't stop me from yearning for the happy ending.

*yearns in silence*


dotfic November 2 2007, 03:33:55 UTC
Of course, I have double standards on happy endings, depending on who goes flatline.


girlguidejones November 2 2007, 03:25:48 UTC
Yep. And, the ending was appropriate for the tone of the show:


It was good symmetry, which is my number one criteria for any ep or fic...does it circle back and feel complete?

Having her die accomplished that, I think.

is still sappy and hopeful


big_pink November 2 2007, 03:36:14 UTC
Yeah, I like full circles, but I am getting weary of the samey structure from ep to ep. Change it up a little. Intersperse. Weave. Duck. Dodge. But instead we get:
1. Strangers getting killed by MotW
2. Sam and Dean having an argument, segue into MotW talk
3. Find MotW, kill MotW
4. Back to mytharc, end on a surprise note.

See? All I ask is for a little...subtlety. Too much to ask? maybe. But look at that hospital scene -- perfect. A ref to the Problem at Hand, plus mytharc issue, not too heavy handed. THAT'S how to do it.


girlguidejones November 2 2007, 03:45:31 UTC
Hospital scene FTW, definitely.

I will say that the brotherless scenes this year have been pretty strong, much better than in the past, imho.

I liked Ruby and Bobby.

I liked Kubrick and Other Hunter in his motor home.

I liked Kubrick and Gordon.

I liked the Rabbit's Foot Thieves.

I liked the Three Little Pigs.

But yes, totally in agreement on the formulaic nature of things so far. Here's hoping for a total Format Fuck-up. (The good kind.)


big_pink November 2 2007, 03:50:31 UTC
You, my dear, are easier to please than I am. However, I do cuddle the show at night. I've been enjoying the season so far, for many different reasons, but mostly because of what JP's doing. And I'm a DEAN girl.

But for the love of sweet baby Jesus, Kripke. Format Fuck-Up. NOW.


qzxy November 2 2007, 05:24:12 UTC
I've been enjoying the season so far, for many different reasons, but mostly because of what JP's doing. And I'm a DEAN girl.

Word on this. Sam is so much more interesting to me than Dean this season, and that hasn't even come close to happening before. But I think it's because the dynamic's changed and I can't identify with Dean's big-brotherly-ness because he's just kind of there now. I'm enjoying watching Sam but I've lost my Thursday catharsis...


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