People are amazing

Sep 05, 2007 19:40

So, iwondery is busy making a pdf for me of Fire in the Hole (which will be posted on my web site for those that care about such things), and she asks me if I have any images/cover for it AND AT THE VERY SAME TIME, smilla02, fresh from Italian beaches, emails me with THIS COVER, which is only the best thing since, like sushi, which is indeed the best thing ever.

So go look at it and continue to wonder, as I do, why on earth I deserve fabulous friends like this.

Closed to comments because a) go leave comments with smilla02, not me for this kind of lovely, b) I'm so woefully behind already with answering comments that I officially deserve *crickets*, and c) Bear Hunt 2 is owning me at the moment and I can't actually write it because the bloody images are so freakin' hysterical that I have to stop every so often just to laugh myself sick.

fire, art, spn

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