SPN fic: Fire in the Hole 7/9 (Part Two)

Aug 16, 2007 17:03

Fire in the Hole, 7/9 (Part Two)

Chapter 7/Wizard (Part Two)

Go on...read it...read...more...

Read Part Two )

fire, fanfic, spn

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tabaqui August 16 2007, 22:24:15 UTC
OH, oh oh oh. I love this. The tommyknockers were *perfect*. Creepy and pitiful but also strong and *pissed* and dedicated to helping someone who had gifted them.

And Dean, thinking things through, seeing what his Dad is doing, might do...

Gods. I love it, as always, as usual. Hate it. Am a little confused on one point but then, my memory is awful so confusion is natural.

Oh, boys. Oh, oh *boys*.
*hugs them*

When my dad was a teen/young man in Tewksbury, Massachusetts, he and his brothers used to go to the Bucket of Blood bar. Heh.


big_pink August 17 2007, 18:47:22 UTC
OMG, I can't get enough of the Bucket of Blood. Go here and click onto the media gallery -- then to the Bucket of Blood, and you'll get the panorama. I never have to leave my easy chair, I tell ya.

Confused? Quite natural when it comes to this fic -- maybe I can clarify or maybe you've caught an error...it happens! Really!


tabaqui August 17 2007, 19:08:02 UTC
Oh, *man*, that is awesome. Awesome!! I love the colored glass lamp thingies and...all the pictures and stuff crammed onto the walls...

Damn neat.

My confusion - basically due to bad memory - is do we actually know what happened in Vegas? I mean, yes, Dean fell, but there was something going *on* and have we been told *what* exactly yet, or have you simply been building up to it in stages and i am just confusing my*self*?

I don't want to *know*, i mean, if all will be revealed soon, of course i'll wait, but if you already said and are simply showing us in more detail every chapter, then please tell me what chapter to re-read.

Stupid brain.


big_pink August 17 2007, 19:14:34 UTC
So cool, eh? I love finding this stuff, just makes so much easier to write. And then I find stuff I'd never thought of, and then it finds its way into the fic and...this is why for me, the research always tells the story. You know? Thank god for the internet.

*pets your stupid brain*

No, I haven't actually SAID what happened in the Vegas parking garage. It's the Big Secret. I've dropped loads of hints -- we know that Dean fell and his dad feels guilty -- but there is of course, more going on than that and I've just taken an unconscionable amount of time to get there.

Unforgivable, really. I need a good editor. I probably could have told this story in one sentence.

But where's the fun in that? Answers in the last two chapters.

* is evol*


tabaqui August 17 2007, 19:31:00 UTC
Oh, yes, exactly. Research can totally give you all new ideas, monsters, problems... I love finding weird little stores or places for the boys to hang out, or odd little bits of trivia that they know or use or whatever... Just - fun.

Okay, well - that settles that, then. I would *hate* one-sentence fics. I mean - all the delicious angst! The memories, the musing, the paaaaaaaaaaain!!!

*grabby hands* I can wait. And at least i'm not going crazy - you *haven't* actually written it yet! Yay!

*challenge - when this story is all over, post it as one sentence!!*


big_pink August 17 2007, 19:41:05 UTC

Yes, that's what I'll do: post it as one sentence. I think I should try it with all my fics. Sasquashme had the world's best line when I told her how Fire in the Hole ends, which I'll tell everyone when I post 9. I just about made myself sick laughing about it.

I have written 8, but it's in beta turn-around right now. And I've started on 9. So there. *smacks away your grabby hands*


tabaqui August 17 2007, 20:08:45 UTC
*whimpers pathetically*

I have never read *anyone* so voraciously that so thoroughly pisses me off, makes me gnash my teeth, *cry*, hurts my boys and doesn't even give me the comfort of boy!sex.

And yet...

And yet, i *luff*. OMG, you are obviously Satan and i have fallen for your whiles.
Get thee behind me.
*finger cross*


big_pink August 17 2007, 23:12:38 UTC
I have never read *anyone* so voraciously that so thoroughly pisses me off, makes me gnash my teeth, *cry*, hurts my boys and doesn't even give me the comfort of boy!sex.

OMG, I don't think I've ever read a set of descriptors that's so thoroughly tickled me...pink.

I am very, very grateful that people read across the somewhat arbitrarily drawn lines. Because I am Satan, and yes, we're all going to our own special hell, however we construct it.

(for the record, my hell has beanbag chairs and sushi, so mine wins)


tabaqui August 18 2007, 00:36:26 UTC
I'm so glad my pain makes you happy!

I'll try anything, really, until it proves itself unpalatable. And hey - i so totally heart you and trust you at this point, i know it'll all be...mostly okay in the end.

My special hell is *sparkly*. And hey - just look at the sinners we have.
*points at icon*


big_pink August 18 2007, 02:30:30 UTC
How'd you get Robert Carlyle in your hell?! I want Robert Carlyle! Shit! All I got was a poncey David Bowie.

I shouldn't tell you this, but things will be mostly okay in the end.


tabaqui August 18 2007, 02:38:16 UTC
I got Mr. Carlyle 'cause i *rock* teh boysex! He's in to teh boysex.
Or, um, you know...his character in that movie was, which is my most favorite Carlyle movie *ever ever ever*.

Also, you know....Viggo Mortensen is our Satan.

see?? i trust you and you come through!!


big_pink August 18 2007, 02:53:54 UTC
Also, you know....Viggo Mortensen is our Satan.

Get out of town! Okay, so I get Ziggy Stardust and maybe David Hyde Pierce (if he hasn't had a tantrum), and you get the Big Vig? Life is patently unfair.


tabaqui August 18 2007, 03:47:29 UTC
Guess what?
*There is room in my handbasket*!!

And it has sparkles.

Come - join us!
*twirls you*


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