Dirty Bear

May 17, 2007 15:41

Hell, you girls in Chicago play rough. Lemmypie finally sent Snuggle Bear back from his/her outing to Fangoria ("What?" you say, "Wasn't that, like, months ago?") and he's...she's...well...the bear's grubby. What the fuck were you guys doing with him/her? Sobbing into his/her little plush breast because the Tall One wasn't there? Did you use him/her to wipe the tables in the bar?

And...well...he/she smells. Just a little.

Chas was delighted to see him/her again, though. He clutched the fetid thing to his chest and then I snatched him/her back with the same horror I usually do when he finds up pre-chewed gum under his seat at the food court.

So I'm going to have to reacclimatize him/her to our house. The cats are smelling him/her with barely-concealed mistrust.

So, fess up. Who besmirched the Bear? *eyes Quellefromage*

ETA: Lookit him/her in the icon! The bear is fucking CLEAN! CLEAN I tell you!! Now, I'll loan him/her out anytime if he/she's making a visit with one of the lads, but...a beer binge and the all-night riding around on the L? Whoa. Seriously picked up some stuff, 'k?

bear, fangoria

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