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quellefromage February 10 2007, 22:12:45 UTC
Well, not to be a nitpicker, but, are they preparing AT ALL for this upcoming war? Where's the research? Where's the proactivity? Why do they keep laying around, waiting to get kicked in the teeth? Not that them getting kicked isn't pretty, but, really...not very smart, guys.

Why aren't they researching how to break that Demon's deal? Why aren't they arming themselves to the TEETH with all manner of charms, potions, spells, prayers and whatnot?

Why aren't they looking for a safe haven instead of bouncing all over the place? Building up a fortress against the evil?

Why are they wearing all those clothes all the time?? Oops, sorry, that one...well, why are they? They want the ratings to go up...give us some skin to flash around to our friends to entice them away from that idiotic Grey's show. (McDreamy my ass...just the sight of some Jensen back views and the women are OURS...or THEIRS.)

Why aren't there devil's traps all over that car? Why aren't they adding all sorts of anti-Demon stuff to the IMPALA??? Holywater in the windshield washer? Bulletproof glass? Consecrated steel bumpers?

And they so need some anti-evil tatoos. Fo real.

Sigh...and why isn't Bobby riding with them in the back seat?


big_pink February 11 2007, 04:12:56 UTC
"...and why isn't Bobby riding with them in the back seat?"

Um, well, YEAH.

Other than the fact that Rumsfeld would shed all over the seats and drive Dean nuts with the drool. But, yes, your quibbles are heard. Boys (sez Big Pink), please do your homework. Borrowed time and all. Get yerselves some ammo, okay? I'd sleep better at night. Thanks much.

And I have no idea why any of them are still wearing clothes. Obviously wardrobe totally didn't get my memo on that. Nor did location scout out that steam bath I'd been advising them..oh wait. Sorry. Where were we? Yes.

Bobby. Back seat. Gottcha. Will memo head office, for all the good that it will do any of us.


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