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janissa11 February 10 2007, 19:44:11 UTC
I just want you to know: I SCREAMED when Bobby used the holy beer. Totally screamed. Even my deaf cat notice. WHAT YOU JUST SAID YES YES YES.


big_pink February 10 2007, 20:13:40 UTC
M'God. The Holy Beer. Why not? Brilliant. I like smart men. I like smart men when they're baffled too -- when evilSam is all, 'it's not working' and Bobby's all 'huh?' Cute as hell, I tell ya.

Screw the Roadhouse. Boys need Bobby.


janissa11 February 10 2007, 20:24:09 UTC
Screw the Roadhouse. Boys need Bobby.


Also, I need to catch up on D'land. ::sigh:: Also, I need all these people in this PER to be quiet. ::facepalm::


big_pink February 10 2007, 21:11:58 UTC
Hola Em! How are you?! You need to do nothing. Read when and if you have time/inclination. But I confess to not knowing the 'PER' acronym. Because I too have a close relationship with my friend, '*facepalm*'


janissa11 February 10 2007, 21:50:04 UTC

PER = pediatric emergency room. Where I work of a Fri and Sat. Where I got my ASS KICKED today. Feh.

I'm behind on reading many things. But will catch up.

How's Bhopal?


big_pink February 11 2007, 04:15:55 UTC
*pets you* Work sucks, really it does. I completely agree *nods head*.

Bhopal is currently hiding out under Nitgirl's bed and I can't get her out. She does this EVERY SINGLE NIGHT. I try to explain to her that the basement is perfectly good for the night, but she still thinks (in that pea-sized brain of hers) that she can deke me out just this once. Living with cats is such a burden.


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