SPN ficlet: Bull in a China Shop

Nov 08, 2006 17:24

Oh, just because I'm at home and bored out of my tree, and I have to do something to stop from slipping into a catatonic state. Because I'm avoiding work and (never fear) I have worked on Red today and it's going well, but this little scene is one that Kripke coulda shoulda given all of us. Gen, slightly cracky. About five paragraphs in length ( ( Read more... )

crackfic, supernatural

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Comments 41

quellefromage November 8 2006, 22:06:44 UTC
Oh, hell yes. New laptop time for sure. Terrible that Sam's had to wait for so long. And video-conferencing with Ash...Bwah ha ha!!

(Sorry you're sick, kiddo. Though disease seems to agree with you, fic wise. *ducks*)


big_pink November 9 2006, 01:30:34 UTC
Why on earth has the CW had poor Sam bumbling about without one? Huh? Fuckers, trying to hamstring our boy. Give him a laptop!!! Actually, they had one last week, but was that...hers? And if not, why didn't they make a bigger deal out of Sammy's purchase? I tell you -- missed opportunity!


lemmypie November 8 2006, 22:20:52 UTC
Hell with that machine Dean could make is own porn....GAWD, I promised myself I wouldn't go there. Ok you've had your high end apple computer fun. Back to Rd *whip cracking*


big_pink November 9 2006, 01:31:28 UTC
You know, I wasn't going to say it, knowing that you probably would. I'm just sneaky like that.

Um, Red? What's that?


lemmypie November 9 2006, 13:02:06 UTC
Ok the death to snuggles icon is the BESTEST yet!
As for porn comments, you know I've got your back there. I think yesterday was a record for my. like 5 unsolicted porn comments and not all to you either.

Red, just this little ditty about a WOOF!


big_pink November 9 2006, 23:00:49 UTC
*snerk* This is the bear at Riverview, on the doors that were featured in...oh...I think it was Bloody Mary. They are actually chained up like this. Freaky shit, man.


anonymous November 8 2006, 22:25:16 UTC
awww. Make me all teary eyed again. Wish we could have really seen that scene.

(email on the fritz, sorry)


big_pink November 9 2006, 01:33:48 UTC
Fritzing email, so sad. I also wish we could have seen that scene. Kripke needs to give us this scene. I sense a petition. And what was with the laptop last week, huh? Did Jo come tripping to Philly with a laptop when poor old Sam is without?


marinarusalka November 8 2006, 22:50:11 UTC
Hee! Sam totally needs a new laptop. With lots of bells and whistles and more of those girly stickers.

I love it.


big_pink November 9 2006, 01:34:51 UTC
I think I saw in a still for tomorrow's ep that he has one. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it's a fruity one.


tabaqui November 8 2006, 22:50:42 UTC
Heeeeeeee. Of coz. Dean knows what's important.

Black *or silver* with glowing 'biohazard' stickers.


Why don't i have a Sam/lappy icon?


big_pink November 9 2006, 01:35:57 UTC
I also am without a good Sam and laptop icon. I want one with him holding the fucked up one. *looks around beseechingly* Anyone?


tabaqui November 9 2006, 02:07:48 UTC
I have *screencaps*.

You want text?


big_pink November 9 2006, 02:13:08 UTC
WEEEEEE. I am so technologically...what's the word?...oh, yeah...fucked that I have very little idea how to do this. But a nice little thought bubble with the words "It's toast." would be nice.


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