SPN fic: Red 7/10

Nov 05, 2006 21:36

Red, Chapter 7/Little Black Raincloud

What is it? Gen, PG-13, mature and disquieting content, bucketsful of swearing, blood, chainsaw accidents, character mutilation, a creepy sexual predator, and obligatory angst (these are the Winchesters we’re talking about). WIP, will be 10 chapters.

Disavowals: Eh, who can say they really own anything ( Read more... )

red, supernatural, fanfic

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ghostofashark November 7 2006, 00:59:51 UTC
God, that first part almost made me cry. And possibly start plotting John's murder (ignoring his recent death). But mostly cry. Then again, I seem to be somewhat overly sensitive when it comes to parental issues, so it doesn’t take that much to take me all maudlin. Maybe I’m just somewhat of a cry baby, because that last part in the phone booth kinda made me want to cry too. Or maybe you just happen to be a genius when it comes to writing stuff that makes people want to cry along with the characters. I think I’m going to go with that last explanation.
And I was so scared that Dean was going to accidentally saw his arm off in the woods. Mostly because power tools are on the top of my list of things I harbour an irrational fear of (right above accidental mutilation of important body parts). Although I think being scared of chainsaws is really quite rational. Anyway, I guess being impaled wasn’t much better, especially not with the wolf around and I think it’s going to take a lot of ice cream to help me through the upcoming chapters, because I suspect that they aren’t going to be all that pleasant for Dean. (I loved the whole “reached out a trembling taloned hand, then withdrew suddenly, a child overwhelmed by the amount of presents under the tree” metaphor, btw, somehow that little line really helped paint a picture of the wolf that made him even more creepy to me.


big_pink November 7 2006, 01:47:19 UTC
For MONTHS I've been avoiding writing John because I have such strong feelings about the monster man. And I thought that I might be able to write around him, the Charlie Brown grownup just 'mwah-mwahing' in the background. But then he barged right in, hammering on the door. Jeez.

And you're perfectly right to be scared of chainsaws. I've unfortunately done a wee bit of research on logging deaths for this fic (and before, to tell the truth for a different project) and it's pretty horrific. The pig's ear impalements are unfortunately not entirely uncommon.

Also happy as hell that the Wolf is creeping you out; he creeps the crap out of me, too. I don't know what rock of my psyche he crawled out from under.

*hands you ice cream* Er, it's not going to get much better, I'm afraid.


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