Oct 17, 2004 20:02
I was waiting all week for this weekend to come cuz of how much stress I had in school. Oh wow! lol. Too much work. The weekend ended up to be pretty good but could have been more exciting. Friday went to St. Bernadine's faire with some friends. After that went to Shanee's house for a lil bit and then to In n Out. Saturday driving school from 10:30 in the morning until 5 in the afternoon. I'm going to get my permit next monday. Really excited. Saturday night went to Erin's surprise party. Happy Birthday Erin I love you and I hope you get everything you wished for! I had fun, danced and chilled u know. Then after we hotboxed AJ and Shawn's cars with hooka. hahahahaha. Went home Justin slept over. Today went to the mall with a few friends. Chilled and then came back home. So it was a pretty good weekend I guess.
Later guys,