Weirdest dream ever goes toooooo...

Aug 21, 2007 22:02

I met some guy in a parking lot so I could trade him my bike for a Cadillac CTS. When I got the car some how I can a Barbed Hieradule, Harridon and a Flying Tyrant that I put in the back seat. Then I was down at Fair Haven days where I met this black family and drove them to McDonalds. On the way to the one in Branford we were stoped by a speeding trap who was pulling everyone over. They took us in the back of a convinience store so we could eat.
then at a certain time they closed up the store and left us in there.I was talking to the father and he talked to me about his job using a mcroscope. We yelled to the police and they came back in and searched us and let us go. When I got back in the car there was a note on the dash. It said something fucked up with the "shifting censor" and now everything was switched around on my transmission. Then I drove back in reverse which was actually forward.
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