Mar 18, 2009 17:45
Thank you to everyone who answered my post yesterday about my gestational diabetes diet... I really appreciate that you took the time to write.
I had an ultrasound and Dr's appointment today. Here are the highlights:
- They think he weighs around 3lb 6oz which is the 50-75 percentile so they are happy
- They are happy with my blood sugar readings over the last couple of days
- They are very happy with my blood pressure (lowest reading EVER)
- They agreed with me that the dietitian is being unreasonable and there's no need to force myself to consume all of my food if I am not hungry/my belly is full. But, I do need to stick to 3 meals, 3 snacks... but if I can't eat it all, that's OK. Just cut down proportionally for all food groups. This should also help me be able to have room to eat some vegetables
- Baby was really uncooperative so we didn't get any pictures that were any good but we got to see his heart beat (152ish) and watch him move around.
They are mildly concerned about my fluid levels. They are 1 point less than they should be for where I am. This could mean absolutely nothing - like if we had done it an hour later, he would have peed and we'd be just fine. But, to be sure, I get another ultrasound next week and the week after until he's at the right place. As for what I can do to help with this... Basically nothing. Drinking more won't necessarily help and while staying off my feet a little more might help a little, it also might not. And they're also just a bit confused about it because normally when they see low fluid, they also see small babies and that's not at all the situation here. So basically I'm not to worry about it because it probably doesn't mean much of anything.
I'm feeling a lot better about the sugar situation after talking to the Dr. He felt my concerns were reasonable. So, phew.