I FINALLY got my period today. I know we usually don't want our periods when TTC, but considering I'm still trying to get on a regular enough cycle to be sure I'm even ovulating, getting my period is good this time around.
The background, summed up, is that after 4 years of the pill I stopped taking it at the end of February. I didn't get a period until mid-May, then did not get another until today. This was worrisome to me because my doctor said that since I was very regular before getting on the pill, I should expect to go back to normal cycles once having the period in May. She kind of acted like it was a concern if I didn't, but frankly I'm a bit scared of her and didn't go to her when it didn't come. I started using a BBT about 3 days ago and my temps have been all weird (98.2 to 97.1 to 97.3...maybe it's not weird, but it looked weird to me), but I'm going to continue to track it to see if I can figure out if and when I'm ovulating. I'm scared because I've gained a LOT of weight since getting on the pill, and I'm terrified it has screwed up my cycle for good. We're buying a house right now (closing in less than a month) and I'm so scared that the empty nursery will destroy me every time I walk by it.
Cross-posted to