
Jul 17, 2008 08:41

so yesterday i went to walmart to fill a prescription.

it was one for nausea and vomitting. and i waited so long to fill it because i was waiting for my medicaid card to come in.

i hand in my paper to get it filled. then about 5 min later i get paged to come back to the pharmacy.

"this prescription is $1,500"

I was like, ha. ha. ha... oook. well i doubt medicaid is paying for that! so i had them call my dr and ask for another drug. they gave me something else. i only got 6 pills.. and it says to take twice daily as needed. so if i needed it daily, im shit out of luck.

ive already tried other methods of getting rid of the feeling of nausea, with the cracker idea, the ginger ale, the peanut butter toast before bed. nothing works. i wont do the ginger tea. yuck.

i find it so... dumb... that the dr prescribed that drug for me. knowing full well im on medicaid. and you cant tell me she didnt know that one was top of the line. shes an idiot. so im really thinking about switching drs now. just not sure how to go about doing so.
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