i had my anatomical scan today and my due date was adjusted by about a week, he is measuring 1 lb 4 ozs and at 23 weeks and i am actually 22 by my lmp which i was fairly certain of. So instead of october 7th apparently it's now September 30th. I'm a bit nervous by my bigger baby. He was squirmy and grabbing at his bits and kicking everywhere. He's breech right now but that doesn't mean anything I know. Also I found that I have an anterior placent which is why I couldn't feel movements until 20 weeks and feel them rather sporadically. The tech was rather amazed i couldn't feel anything because he was SO active even with the anterior placenta but I'm just happy he's moving and more sleep for me :)
No ultrasound pics scanned yet but I actually took a belly pic which is huge for me considering how fat I feel.