How far along are you? 29w2d
What symptoms are you experiencing?
Overheating all the time, it's only around 20C (68F) most days, which is usually around ideal (15C-20C is ideal, 59F-68F) but now it's just too much. I'm really dreading when it gets to 30C-40C (86F-104F). I'm starting to get sciatica occasionally. A month on basically bed rest (I had pneumonia) really helped my SPD but it starts to act up again if I stand or walk more than an hour or 2 over the course of the day so I'm taking it really easy. I have random bouts of exhaustion, I'll be fine all day then all of a sudden I must sleep NOW. Still peeing every 15 minutes, well actually most of the time not peeing but since my bladder apparently makes a lovely armchair I constantly think I need to and can only get temporary relief by trying. My belly has finally started growing, I keep bumping it into things cause I'm not used to it. Been getting cramps that are quite painful but not cyclical or terribly long lasting, doctor thinks it's just BH. Still sneezing, still have an over-sensitive gag reflex.
How are you feeling?
I'm starting to feel a little overwhelmed. I passed my GD test with flying colours and the first thing I said was "So I can still have slurpees?".
Any Dr. appointments/ultrasounds/tests this past week and how did they go?
Doctor moved me to appointments every 2 weeks now so I go on the 10th.
Anything big happening in your personal life (moving, work related, etc..)
I'm on Mat Leave, YAY! Still working on getting things ready for the baby. Once we finish getting OUR stuff out of babies room and I can start getting babies stuff out of my living room I'll feel a lot better. In the next few weeks I'll get hubby to sand the crib and change table pieces so I can start painting them on nice days.
Any questions you want to ask?
Anyone else overwhelmed by the sheer amount of STUFF the baby seems to need?
Any belly pics from this week?
Any food cravings?
Nothing really, cravings and aversions seem to have gone of hiatus for the time being.
Tell us your favorite thing about your pregnancy this week!
The Kick Counts. I find it funny that I'm supposed to be able to get 10 kicks in 2 hours and it has yet to take 10 minutes.