Jan 26, 2004 22:36
ok, lemme start off... i really felt like crap in the morning and i seriously didn't feel like going 2 skool. ok, sorry 2 get ahead of myself.... on friday i seriously felt like a piece of crap. i left granasty at like 12:30 because i had made a deal that if i left skool then i had 2 sleep when i got home. i followed through, of coarse. i slept for about 4 hours or so and woke up and realized that i had 2 go 2 roxy's house. i did what i had 2 do and was on my way 2 roxy's. got there and for once, and i mean once, she was actully ready when i got there (what a huge ass surprise). we left her place and went 2 danielle's. from there, the 3 of us went 2 the odyssey and had a gay old time. it was pretty crazy. ya, that night i got home around like 3:30 or 4 in the a.m. then sat i woke up at like 10:45 for my 11:00 driving appointment with my instructor. i drove down balboa, 2 the 101 towards ventura. i drove through t.o. and then came back. afterwards vickers came over and we picked up kimmy and drove 2 st. monica. went 2 turaj's parents pizza shop and picked up a pizza and drinks and some other good ass food and drove up the PCH 2 zuma we grubbed. then around 6 or so we headed back and we 2 kimmy's place until about 9 or so and we drove aimlessly for a few hours. turned in around like 11:30. pretty damn early for a sat. night. on sunday i woke up around like 8 and headd off 2 church for my classes. it's sad, i'm doin this whole conformation thing because i told my mom that i'd at least finish. so, afterwards my mom, sister, brother-in-law, niece, and myself went out 2 breakfast and ate. i know, i know even more food. isn't it great? then i went 2 newbury park and met up with a good friend of mine and his dad who were helpin out a friend who lives there. from there we went 2 check out this honda. let's just say that it wasn't the nicest thing i've ever seen. just something about it. so from there we're about 2 tak off and we see this 92 BMW for sale... let's just say that i'm probably gonna be goin back 2 my roots and gettin it .: fingers crossed :. lol. ok, well i guess it's time 2 either sleep or do hw.... adios