May 25, 2004 18:21
Didnt even sleep and had to go to school not a good mix. Went downstairs watched cartoon waiting for my friend to come over had a shower than got dressed for school went to school hoping to try to have a good day the only thing good waz that we had a fire drill this waz during gym class but we were learning sex ed. Than we got back in and at the very end of class there waz another one that kinda got me pissed and im lke if this is a test im goin to be pissed off and we opened the door to go back outside and it waz actually a fire that waz a happy moument untill i found out that its waz just a whole bunch off light bulbs that exploded and were smoldering which stunk lke burning hot ass and we went back in and i went on with a normal day fall asleep in ever class lke normal surve lunch to catholics that and other things hapend that made my day one to remeberand finally schoolz over now only if i could go home i got to pick up my brother at his school which iz a pain in the ass cause he takes lke an hour to even get his stuff together
well im out peace