You know, I really hate to do this yet again, but as we only have one entry for the current challenge (
Free-for-All), we almost have to. This time of year may definitely be a bit busy for some of you what with possible exams, looming holidays, and
NaNoWriMo, but I was hoping that with this challenge being as broad as a challenge can be (and with the influx of new members!), we'd see some more participation. Again, this challenge is a free-for-all, meaning you can submit any genre, rating, theme, plot, etc as long as it's Eleven/Amy-centric, as this is the point of this community. Really, the boundaries are quite wide. So, I hope some of you take take this extra week to your advantage and write something for the community!
The new deadline for this challenge is Thursday, November 25th. Please make sure you submit your fics before then or at least by the end of that day. Again, good luck and happy ficcing!