The weekend.

May 23, 2005 12:46

Hmmm....  Where to start...
Friday.  I left work early (go figure), and we took the kids to Explore-a-Shore at the Florida Aquarium (  They had a BLAST, I had a couple beers, and took a bunch of pictures.  I don't have them up yet, but will soon (  We went home, had dinner, and went to bed early.
Saturday, I went out to the Flea-Market (Thanks Robin & Alan), and put up a bunch of my pictures for sale.  Framed 8x10 prints.  The entire market was slow... maybe 15-20 people per hour walked by the booth...  I had about 2 people per hour that even gave my pics a second look, and no one bothered to ask how much they were, or stayed long enough for me to "sell" them.  So, that was a bust.  If you're on my Christmas gift list, guess what you're getting?!!!  LOL.
After that, I went home, and we got the kids loaded into the van to go to the beach.  We got to Ft. Desoto's North Beach at about 2.  I got a bunch more pictures of the kids.  Those, I did get uploaded (  We had a great time.  Gavyn & Garrison are starting to do some skimboarding (I LOVED skimming when I was a kid), and when Griffyn showed some interest, and wanted to try, the lifeguard informed us (after about 30 minutes of me skimming) that we could not skimboard there, and would have to go about 1/2 mile down the beach to do so.  I didn't want to go that far from where we were set up, so we just put it away.  No big deal though, as the board we were using was a pretty cheap one, and it was starting to delaminate on the back end (it doesn't help any that I'm 210 pounds!).  We decided that next time, we're going to set up where we can skim without being bothered by the lifeguards.  Also, I've decided to get a couple of "real" skimboards, and some good wax, since we're going to be hitting the beach quite a bit this summer, and into the fall.  It's close, and free!!  Oh, I also saw a live crab in the water (that's kind of rare now), it was cool.  luckily I saw it before I stepped on it!  That would have hurt!!  So, yeah...  I'm excited about getting the skimboards, and teaching the boys how to do it.  It's gonna be fun, and, it should help me to lose a little weight, and get into better shape.  Around 4 we went home, and had dinner.  I tried to stay up to watch SNL, but just couldn't make it.  I was beat!!  I did record it though.
Sunday was a lazy day...  did a bit of yard work (a very little bit), and some laundry, and that's about it.  I played with photoshop a bit, and watched some TV (SNL from the night before).  My 2 psycopathic auctions on e-bay ended.  1 sold (the picture), 1 didn't (the toast).  It was worth the $2 it cost me to list them.  They were funny.  Ken is supposed to send me payment today.  As soon as I get it, I'll send his prints.  I told him I would throw in a 4X6 of this just because:

I'm pretty proud of that one.  I think it came out really good.  I used the "magnetic lasso", and the "blur" to make it look more natural.  I feel like I'm coming along pretty well with photoshop.  I still have a LONG way to go though.
When I went to bed last night, I set out my workout clothes, and REALLY wanted to get up this morning, and walk, or run... but, when 5:30 got here, the bed was just too warm.  I'll try again tomorrow.  I got to work this morning, and things have been going pretty good.  I got a few reports done, and am "ahead" as of right now, so that's good.  I did get laid yesterday morning too!!  YAY!  Sex is always good.  Some day, we'll be able to just throw down when and where ever again... just another 14 years or so, and we'll have the kids out of the house!!  LOL.

Oh...  We're going to Walt Disney World on Wednesday.  I'm taking a vacation day from work.  It'll be fun.  Hopefully, it won't be too crowded.  School is out for a bunch of people, but it's the middle of the week, and it's still before Memorial Day, so it shouldn't be too bad...  We hope.  We're gonna get up, and leave around 7 or 7:30, and pretty much spend the entire day there (Magic Kingdom)  Amazingly enough, the kids have never been.  Hell, Beth and I have only been once since we lived here, and that was in 95, or early 96.  This has been a long time coming.  My mom, and aunts bought a 3 day pass for all of us.  We can go any 3 days within a 6 month period, and I think it includes all 3 parks (MK, Epcot, and MGM).  We're going to go again at the end of the summer, and probably in the fall.

I've got a couple more things to get done, and some more posting to do on the board.  More tomorrow.
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