Story of a Yeti: Day 1

Jul 24, 2004 00:32

I was walking throught the woods today when I came across my buddy, Cokona. She's a racoon. You may be thinking, "hey! Don't most racoons look alike? How can you tell it's her." Well, racoons, as well as all animal, have a different smell to each one, that and she lost her tail in a Bear trap, infact thats how we met. Long story.
So I was talking with her when she said something that struck me as odd. She said someone has gotten a clear photo of me. Now, you've all seen those supposed videos of me: a blurry, dark haired, person covered in hair. Not me. First of all, my hair is white. Second of all, that was a backwoodsman who lost his clothes and does not shave his back. Very unplesant.
I got up from my seat, that I came very acustom too, which was a log with about 4 years moss of on it making it soft. I walked to the nearby valley and looked down at the town there. Ah, the little towns of Canada, so peaceful. These towns are different from the United States ones. The US ones all seem to not trust each other and spend half the time yelling at each other. These Canadian though are much more tranquill. The one thing that bothers me about Canada is that they all are hunters. Hunters and me don't mix well.
I shook my self from my thoughts, maybe they got a clear picture of me because I tend to get imersed in my thoughts and not notice my surrounds. Probably not, because I would have heard the shutter close, and smell the photographer. After clearing my head, I headed to the nearby stream which ran though the middle of the town, and makes a bend right and flows south to Lake Eire. I bent down got took a sip. And the refection of the man in camaflauge above me was the last thing I saw that day. I was knocked out!
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