bad night, and bad food = [

Jun 16, 2004 08:22

Well, after work I went to my weight watchers meeting. I lost 4.8 pounds. I am at 276 pounds from 300. I was very happy. Mandy went with me but had to leave early because she takes her 2 year old son to the meetings. He wasn't cooperating very well. You know 2 year olds. Anyway I drove around a little went to my Aunt and Uncle's to show them info about the diet. They are interested but lack motivation and dedication.

The set off: I had just gotten to Vlad's when Mandy called me. I was making small talk. Didn't really have anything good to say. I have an awful lot on my mind and just want to collect my thoughts before I say anything. So, she tells me that I am distant with her. I still have been myself, yesterday at the meeting I just wasn't kissing her butt like I normally do. I bet she totally noticed. So she kept pressing the issue and I kept telling her I didn't want to talk about it. So I told her what happended to be on my mind and how I felt. Reason why I don't like to tell her my feelings is she gets all mad and defensive towards me. Just cause of how I feel. If you are going to be like that don't ask me. I told her that among other things that are extremely important to me now I sometimes wonder if our relationship is going anywhere. Well she did say we were friends but the thing is when friends tell eachother things they normally don't turn your feelings around on you. I almost feel like bad for the way I feel, or I shouldn't feel like that but they are my feelings and any friend I would want would respect me and my feelings. I didn't say anything wrong and she was all trying to start an arguement. To top it off after I talked with her to tell her how I felt cause SHE asked she said " Have a good week with your diet, and I'll see you tuesday at the meeting". A true friend wouldn't say that to me or be that way to me.

The problem: I was so upset that I went out with my friend and had a few beers, then ate 12 1/2 of buffalo wings before I left for home and went to bed. I was so dissapointed in myself. I really regret eating all of those wings. It is like pure fat and grease. I was doing so well on this diet. And then bam, it was like one little bump in the road and I went and chowed on some bad food. I am not really upset anymore about the way she is acting. My thing is if you want to be with me fine, if you want to be my friend great but do show me kindness and respect for myself and my feelings.
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