[a voice post, it sounds like some of it was cut off]
--ttles it. I'm dead. I mean, I have to be dead. The last thing I remember was that column and...Come on Meg, get it together...
[there's a pause and an intake of breath, an annoyed sigh]
...yeah, pretty much nothing after that. Great. I died like I lived, like a damsel in distress. At least I
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Um, don't know if you're dead or not, but I do know you're not wherever you think you should be. Follow the sound of my voice.
Well Brennan is this place full of voices or am I just going crazy?
And...that's it? I get this portable window and I'm dropped off here with the clothes off my back and nothing else? Where're the Fates, they must've had a say in this.
But it doesn't make any sense, but I'm honestly too mentally drained to think too hard over this stuff. But yeah, with a name like Brennan, I didn't think we were from the same place.
...the name's Meg by the way. Short for Megara.
Nice to meet you Meg, if you're cool with me calling you that. Listen, I'd come and get you out of the cold myself but I'm a little busy....there's a Welcome Center off the west end of the Square....where are you, like, what's around you?
Some weird round thing with animal statues. I was kinda wandering around after picking this thing up. A lady from that Welcome Center's coming to get me or something. But...
[a pause, she's still not used to people willing to help her despite having had a guy like Hercules around]
Uh, thanks for the concern, I guess.
[And Brennan is one of the most helpful and caring guys like...ever]
[yeah that's some forced enthusiasm right there.]
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