i wish i was too cool for school

Dec 04, 2002 04:41

school is kickin my honky ass all over the place. I've got this bio test tomorrow that i've been trying to study for. The shit is hard as a bitch though. It's over 4 or 5 chapters and shit! If i had been attending class more it'd probably make it easier but this shit is still hard. Word on the streets is, the teacher i got is one of the hardest ones. I wish i would've known that before i signed up. The Chinese guy seems like he would've been cool. I got another test on Thursday, that's for math. Friday, don't have any tests but got a 4 page paper due for sociology. Shit's gonna suck next week, cuz i got all the mofoin' finals. Prolly gonna stay up all night, hope that goes all right. I've gotta work tomorrow though, so i know i'll get tired there prolly. well, lemme get back to studyin. I'm sure all the LJ people are sleeping.
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