Ooh 2nd update of the year

Apr 11, 2005 11:15

Yes i'm bored and should be washing myself but instead i'm sitting in my own filth(aka my dressing gown) updating as i have nothing to do.

This journal started as something that was almost my inner thoughts then i realised my inner thoughts and day to day events were not even of interest to me and gave up.
I even stopped the limericks and haikus as well.

Meh i have an extreme case of lethargy and apathy and my attention span is that of a sugar fueled blue smarties crunching 5 year old.

I wish i had something more interesting to share with you.

Or maybe i shouldn't wake up every morning and watch 4 hours of TV before deciding to get washed and dressed.
well the NTL TV bill is in Dougals name so it will be gone when he moves out. and Discovery have stopped doing their Big,Monster garage junkyard megawars, scrapheap challenge mornings so i might just get stuff done.
Maybe i should go to the gym more and take more photos when i go out to remind my self i actually have energy and fun sometimes.

Apathy stricken
curse of the cathode-ray leech
do some work you bum.

Hmm enough of this, time to shower
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