Well that's that settled

Dec 28, 2004 18:48

I have just solved a riddle dating back to my teenage years(oh god they were so long ago now).
A long time ago when i used to listen to Xfm before i a) moved out of broadcast range
 b)they went shit(or rather my musical taste no longer coincides with theirs)
i heard a song with the lyrics:
Put me in the hospital for nerves
And then they had to commit me
You told them all I was crazy
They cut off my legs now I'm an amputee, goddamn you

which stuck in my head as i was slightly obsessed with amputation and all forms of gruesome and anatomically detailed bodily malfunction/injury.

I never found out who it was by or what it was called, it was then featured on the soundtrack of (i think) 10 things i hate about you, or one of the other god awfyul generic american teen high school romantic comedy flicks. this made me sit around for the end of the film to check the music credits. I still couldn't remember who it was by.

A few days ago bored and watching the limited range of terrestrial Tv at home(BBC1,2 ITV and a bad reception CH4, no CH5)  i caught a full episode of  peepshow which is actually very funny and quite well done (and has that "Kev? Bev? Kev? BEV! woman on it). and the opening music was this mystery song which reawakened my quest.
due to the marvel of google i have discovered the song is.............
Lit - I'm not sick but i'm not well

seems kinda pointless now
should have asked yourapocalypse i'm pretty sure he's a fan of american-teen-comedy-soundtrack-core.

Oh well go back to work nothing to see here....

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