I'm not hot i just have an increased number of accessible energy states

Apr 25, 2004 15:34

I hate summer
i'm a sweaty guy at the best of times but summer is the time my sweat glands get thew chance to show just how much liquid they can squeeze out of me.
not helped by the fatc i have to drink coffee to keep me awake due to not being able to sleep cos i'm too hot.

got physics coursework to do and lab reports to write up. alos got a lab project pending which i'll have to research.

and i'm really fucking lethargic cos of the weather.

i wouldn't mind the heat if it wasn't so god damn humid.

can't wait for exams to be over and the holidays to begin
although i will have to get a job cos i'm not going back to subway.
bought a load of comics yesterday which i'll probably read today instead of doing work
but they're all good.

the 4th authority collection is pretty twisted but funny

also a double thingy reload/mek both written by warren ellis different artists, Mek is shiny and reminds me of jim mahfood stuff (don'y know why) more cartoony than realistic stuff bold lines big colours that sort of thing.
reload is more realistic with jimmy palmiotti doing inks he does guns and gunfire very well he's done the new punisher stuff with garth ennis and it's very good.
dark day is the sequel to 30 days of night which was dark and bleak and cool with a very original art style with mostly tones of black and sepia with the odd bright gun burst or blood spray standing out against it.

bah excuse the waffle but it's this or coursework and i'm a lazy man.

meh better bite the bullet or i'll be up all night. hmmm actually it will be cooler then i might be able to concentrate

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