Aug 01, 2007 01:20
Blech. School needs to start again.
I'm bored. I get up at 2pm cause I have nothing to do. I sleep more than I'm awake. Some days I feel like my life is a boring show on WB like my sister would watch. Perhaps I listen to too much music during the day.
I want my wireless back. Evil land-line.
I want to talk. But I'm to afraid to ask anyone to listen. I don't even know if they would want to. No one ever really seems that interested.
Certain things have been bothering me lately. I don't know why. They shouldn't.
And there's a whole mess of other stuff. The future, sex, relationships, death (A family friend died last week and I had my first car accident a few weeks ago so I'm feeling an increased sense of mortality)
I was home with just my mom today but I didn't take the chance. All I could talk about was what I thought made for a good horror movie. We were watching Poltergeist. Good movie.
I need to remember to take my medication. I forget a lot. I don't have a set rythm like I did before.
I went to the bonfire on Saturday. Had the most fun that I've had in quite a while. It was nice to have a party where people are sober. The next party won't be the same in that respect though. I guess I still have someting of a hold-over on the crush I had for Sarah in high school. I don't know why. I don't know why I can't let it go. It's a pipe dream. She wasn't ready for anything in high school and even if she was ready for something now we're seperated by more than 100 miles. She is really beautiful though. I think we would go well together; but that's just my opinion.
I need something to do tomorrow. But I don't know what. I've been cleaning (or at least trying to) the last few days but it's more overwhelming than it is satisfying. Seems like all I do is clean. I'm more of a maid than anything else while I'm home.
I need to find something obsessive that will devour every minute of my summer. To leave no time for mind wandering or sadness.
I should write a movie or a play.
I guess you could say that I'm getting something of cabin fever. Only problem with that is it seems like I'm never home. I'm either at work, running errands, or at a friends house. Perhaps isolation is a better way to describe it. Alone in a crowd.
Nobody's on IM to talk to boooooo.
It's funny; I was going to be writing this in my personal notebook and it was going to be pretty positive but I just had this crash like I do everyday.
2am bites when you're not in the dorms.
"So what's for lunch? Chinese buffet?"