Apr 22, 2013 07:51
So this morning I saw that Chrissy Amphett, the lead singer of The Divinyls died over the weekend. This is sad, of course, as she was only 53 and a talented artist and didn't deserve the double whammy of MS and Breast Cancer that took her life.
What raised my eye about the article, though, was about 3 paragraphs down, they start listing tweets from other Austrailian stars (Russell Crowe, the lead singer of Midnight Oil) and called them "tributes."
Have we gotten to the point in our society where we feel that 140 characters, a hash tag, and a link to a youtube video is considered a tribute? A tribute a song written about her, a concert to raise funds for Breast Cancer or MS treatment, a dedicated poem or Movie or a section of road named after her. A tribute is not "Just heard my friend died, sorry about that, ordering a Chef Salad in her honor. #epictribute".
I'm not dogging on Mr. Crowe or Mr. Oil (I can't remember his name at the moment, bear with me) for their tweets. These were short commiserations for a frind and I'm sure they will have proper tributes in their own ways, be they big or small. I'm dogging on the magazine for trivializing the term tribute.
And thats it.