Well, I don't really know what all I can say about 2011 that I haven't already said in my countless LJ posts, FAcebook, twitter, and Google+ updates. So here's the general sum up:
This year I:
-Started performing with Fishnet Inc.
-Celebrated 15 years of con going with Katsucon in February.
-Realized that I had made a huge, 6 month long mistake. It took a couple metaphorical clubs to the head, but I now realize how much a tool I was and how much better off I am without an immature twat of dead-weight holding me back.
-Came back to Fishnet Inc when it was explained to me that They liked me a LOT better than her.^_^
-Attended my first full Dragoncon. Was a blast, tho I'm still on the fence about going back next year.
-Got a new computer and a new car. Funny thing: everyone got on my case for getting frustrated with my old computer and just dumping it for a box computer, but nobody saw anything wrong with me doing essentially the same thing with my car.^_~
-Sang and danced at AMA Opening ceremonies, and people enjoyed it!
-Had a real good year with my work. I stepped up my game and I passed all my requals, and I just have a couple of Practicals to do in the first couple weeks back at work and the way is paved for me to (hopefully) pick up my Monitor 3 promotion.
-Played Eddie and Dr. Scott for the first time on Halloween night. Was a blast, I just wish more people had seen it. Oh wait, As many people as wants can see it!
http://youtu.be/035iCcNej4Q (Ain't technology grand?)^_~
-Didn't lose anyone close to me. I hope this trend continues for a very long time.
-Met a really nice girl at Dragoncon, and hope that the new year holds something special with her and I.
When it gets right down to it, 2011 was a lot more good than bad, so I have no complaints and feel good going into 2012. I hope that everyone who had a bad time in 2011 has a better year starting tomorrow, and to everyone: Happy New Year!