Jul 04, 2011 07:58
Man, this is becoming somewhat of a dream journal.
Ok, last nights dream deposited me in a semi urban environment where apparently some Predator-like aliens were coming down trying to exterminate the human populace. They were doing a pretty good job of it, but the humans were still pretty much living life as normal: they had houses, still went to work, went to the mall, etc. only they carried our commando raids in between and would button up and hide when the alien patrols would come wandering by. I fell in with a coup of these guys and ended up hiding in the back of an old car as a patrol walked by. We went back to some farm house and everyone left without me and I ended up at this underground mall type place where I was joined by this weird android type dude who when he would lie, his nose would go all Pinnochio.
Must have been that Teriyaki kebab from the cookout last night....