You know, I promised a rant earlier in my facebook, but you know what, I don't really have a desire to rehash stuff I've ranted about already in here. Pretty much everyone knows by now that I'm done with it now. Megan can go and live her life however she wants, but she can no longer expect any help from me.
However, I've got a few predictions for how that life is going to proceed over the next year or so. These are being made based on the observations of Megan and her friends, and my knowledge of their personality types.
First prediction: In August, after she graduates, her "best friend" Tiff will be moving away to Texas to live with her fiancee. Megan has said that Tiff is going to be back for the September 11th weekend in order to visit the opening of the 9/11 memorial. Tiff won't make it. She'll claim stress from the move, as well as a desire to be with Bryan as much as she can, having not seen him since AMA. This will be merely the first of a long string of broken promises to Megan about coming to visit, to which no matter how upset it makes Megan, to Tiff, it'll be "no big deal." Megan, however, will be expected to come and visit Tiff with regularity, and when she doesn't make herself available to her 24/7, Tiff will get on her case and make Megan feel like shit, all the while, Megan will take all the blame onto herself. Megan has exhibited this Battered wife/Stockholm syndrome tendency ever since I've known her, and I see no reason it should change anytime soon.
Second Prediction: Did you know she's talking to Aaron again? you know, the douchenozzle ex that spend 6 months mentally abusing her, sending his girlfriend after her, called her just about every name in the book, posted nude pictures of her on 4-Chan, and at Katsucon spent any time that they were in proximity boring holes into her with his glaring? Yeah, Suddenly, after Megan broke up with me, they are all friendly and nice again! Oh! It was all just a misunderstanding and He was just depressed because she was dating someone else and it wasn't as bad as all that. Yeah, apparently when they had their sit down dinner together earlier this week (which she paid for. Funny how even though he has a job now, She's paying for him still. some Douchenozzles never change!), He told her the "truth" about a lot of stuff and her eye's were opened. It was me calling bullshit on this that was pretty much Megans final straw, and subsequently, mine on Thursday.
Well, here's my prediction: within 3 months, Aaron is going to be single again (his "girlfriend" in Pennsylvania mysteriously no longer will be in the picture.) and hey! guess what, he's going to want to get back with Megan. I give her 50/50 on actually taking him back as well.
Third Prediction: Megan is planning to move out to Verona after she graduates. her first trip to bring stuff out will be in April and she's going to be moving into a house (hopefully) with her high school buddy Mitch and his wife. Now, Mitch is a really good guy. He honestly is one of her friends who does have her best interests at heart. Thing is, Verona... Kind of nothing out there. I give Megan 6 months of living there before she goes stir crazy and either moves back home, or moves in with another friend, either back here or tries impose herself on Tiff in Texas.
So yeah, that's my Kreskin imitation for the day.
Ok, Here's an update. How did I do?
Well, first off, Megan never even made it out to Verona. Turns out her friend wants to start a family, and apparently that's a little hard to do when you've already got a child living with you, and Megan apparently decided to "follow her dream" here in Hampton Roads. Never you mind that she's still sponging off her parents (multiple reports came back to me that she got angry with her mother for not cleaning up her room for her. yeah, let that sink in a bit: a 22 year old woman still wants her mother to clean her room for her...) Anyway, I'll call this one a true prediction.
Secondly: the prediction about Aaron is still a bit ongoing. Yes, Aaron is now single again because he dumped his girlfriend in PA for actually expecting him to grow up and, you know, act like an adult ("What? get off my fat lazy ass and spend time doing things other than video games? Fuck that!") Now, Megan is dating someone now, but it's not Aaron. It is someone from their little clique (Aww, how nice, she got herself a nice little cosplay buddy boyfriend to go with her cosplay buddy best friend^_^) and I'm sure it'll be just as successful as her past couple relationships. Oh, you can bet that Aaron is going to be waiting in the wings, just slavering at the chance to swoop in as soon as Megan finds some excuse to dump this latest boy. So I'll call this prediction 50% correct.
All that's left is the inevitable abandonment by Tiff when she moves away (that's if she moves away. Anyone know if she's still dating Bryan, even?)