Title: Safe, Not Safe
Author: ceslas
Characters: River Tam
Rating: PG
Challenge: Round #6, Challenge #1--Describe your greatest childhood fears or nightmares.
Word Count: 116
Disclaimer: Firefly owns me, I own words
Warnings: Post-BDM
Went a little off in different direction than I expected...hope it works ok...
River, describe your greatest childhood fears or nightmares.
Temporal reference irrelevant to development. Time dating creating artificial boundaries.
River, describe your greatest childhood fears …
Conscious awareness replaced with falsehood. Fears that were not mine to have placed in my mind, needles adding their words. Waking to safety in danger. Not safe. Second childhood.
River, describe your greatest…
Separation of hidden meanings reveal a darker truth. Truth makes web of lies without filters. No filters when born. Learn them from new meanings. Bearcat, safe, Captain Daddy, safe, Beauty, safe. Losing Simon, not safe. Shiny never meaning to harm… not safe. Childhood changing to age appropriate humor. Want more safe… Bearcat?
River, describe your…
Both were happy.